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Everything posted by aerotracks

  1. No worries, man. Half of this world's Powerchips must have gone through websmile's hand Shoed together a 4 DIMM pass real quick. You need to lock in 40-40-41-41-4-4 manually and change 4-5-4 to 4-5-6 in tertiaries as well as raise tWRWR_DR and tWRWR_DD a few values, that's it for starters.
  2. Ran 4 sticks, it gave me another 6-8 points. My XTU efficiency is beyond shameful though, so there's more 32M lol
  3. Since I'll be without Z170 for the next couple weeks, I dug out Z97 and PSC. Looks like they still work
  4. I think I know what happened, truckload of bad luck. Picture is pretty bad. That's two lints meeting in the middle, each at its end is touching the contact of a resistor. Add moisture to it and good bye. They must have fallen in there before the Plasti Dip turned solid. No strange errors before I turned it off two days ago and it gave no sign of life this morning when I pushed the power button. I wish they were cheap over here too, almost 80 Euro more than last gen's OC Formula.
  5. Another cold session with MFR. Only little time for 32M, will revisit this next time. Edit: Nope, board dead
  6. Thanks guys @GtiJason: PSU used was Corsair RM650i, there must have been some error with the autofill.
  7. Thanks man yes these are MFR. Wish I could get my grubby fingers on AFR, will someone release them already?
  8. Ran some 5G as well, all dry ice. P1.70 BIOS working well for me.
  9. Sold, please close&move. Thank you.
  10. Alright, let's continue via PM.
  11. Suprise drawer find from last night, totally forgot I had those. Two sticks out of different quad kits. First stick is quite good, it trained 1625MHz C12 on X99 and is passing 1625MHz C12 1.59V BIOS (1.65V real) on Z170 OCF. I'm selling the second one without results, can't reproduce on Z170 what I noted down when binning on X99. I'd prefer to sell these together - price for 2x4GB: 45 Euro plus shipping. Item location: Germany. Tracked shipping to Europe should be around 7 Euro with Deutsche Post Private sale, no returns, no warranty. Overclocking results may vary, but were achieved as mentioned on my system. Payment via IBAN or Paypal, buyer either covers fees or sends via friends&family.
  12. nice loud, show us what you got
  13. Great time bull! My MFR are sobbing in the corner, over here at 1800MHz no volts no fun.
  14. It's related to one stick failing hard at tRCD/tRP, unfortunately. Will do some single stick checks when I have time - doing some testing on X99 in order to differentiate between tRCD and tRP would be interesting as well.
  15. Just a bit of training and winboot, these Sammies sure are flexible. I guess RTL will have to be relaxed for stability, will check this out another day.
  16. My bets are that I own a reject - I've tried "persuading" it with voltage, but it won't budge The other stick does much better with tRCD+tRP. Can't afford binning these, so it is what it is.
  17. Sure you're not heavily overvolting that C13 setting? I have the same kit, and as I've written, 1.72V for a non-waza 32M Pass.
  18. @nickolp1974 Hey so I tried 4000 13-21-21 last night, when I dialed in your timings it gave me a 55. I was able to do a non waza pass with tRDWR timings auto at 1.72V. Which memories do you have? Tightened it up a little at 4000C11. Long time effects of overvolting are a big guessing game at this point of course, seeing scaling with additional voltage is good enough in my book - should something die it'll have been sacrificed in the name of science
  19. Did you try relaxing tRDWR timings by one or two values? That's the first thing I would think of, I'll give this a try when I'm home.
  20. Great chip and great efficiency! Can only imagine what scores you'll pull when you freeze it!
  21. One stick fails 20-20, so it's 11-21-21. Win7 didn't care, but in XP it matters. 4000C11 2.17V, small waza For some reason I can't train above 2010MHz with 1T, doesn't matter if it's C11, C15 or C19. Wonder what that's about.
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