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Everything posted by stummerwinter

  1. Where can I find the rule: only 1 score per user per stage?
  2. Question: my Dothan-submission for referance clock (score) does not appear in the ranking: competition ranking It is recorded as belong to ranking, see top of the screen shot:
  3. hey Bro...still benching, nice to see...:-)
  4. The BH-5 like cold AIR to get more stable...did with ghetto pot on these 280 2-2-2-5 1M...
  5. Pending...rbuass was first...(via pn)
  6. For sale: sold - very good container for high loads - screws and thermo couple included - used only once - isolated with aramflex Questions? Also on: HWL
  7. Even as LN2 slave it was fun to taste the smell of LN2, had a great time...
  8. Easy... We had a similar competition on a bench session, but: target score was unknown UNTIL start of the competition... Idea: 1. increase time frame for submit up to eg 24 h 2. timeframe can be adjusted from stage to stage for every reagion (EU / US / ASIA) - let's say first stage starts at 0800 am CET, second 0400 pm CET, third 0000 am 3. target unknown, maybe just give a range - secret trarget is eg 80.000 3D03 and just a range from 60.000 ~ 100.000 is published to prepare the right hardware => first hit is the winner, or the closest score after 24 h for shure, these 24 h are though, but can also be changed down to 4 h or 8 h...
  9. Nice idea, nice contest, but bad implementation... When it's only about knowing server lag and multi upload, I have to say: HOMEWORK NOT DONE!
  10. Congrats to Bulgarian Team... For me the 3D2000 from you is not a problem, would not remove... Me personaly just jumped in to late to help the team, really sad, if I see how close it was...
  11. Forgot the link... http://hwbot.org/submission/2615438_ Want's a screenshot, but can't upload...
  12. Sry, have to say again, score not shown in competition... says screenshot required...
  13. Not me, official bios for M7F... Guess service, but need to try...
  14. Or I have "fantasy" values: http://hwbot.org/submission/2607714 Maybe caused by disabled service...
  15. Please have a look on my screen... Max CPU is 0... And the line is not straight, belive me or not, frequency was NOT changed, can show a video as prove...
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