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Everything posted by stummerwinter

  1. Thought about it, but could not find... Can you please tell me the landmark or sent me magnifying glass... Lets see, I might try...
  2. More mods here, confirmed by Christian from Asus: http://awardfabrik.de/forum/showthread.php?t=7609
  3. Good return! Will hopefully come back soon...
  4. No, not willing to do so... But really nice chip...:celebration: Want sop see more...:nana:
  5. Happy Birhtday!
  6. Thanx! After some trouble at the very beginning system rans so smooth, startet with 6,55 and 1100/1350 1050/1100...Need to put my second GTX under LN2, but not today...
  7. The way you used the words where offensive to me, that's gave me a bad feeling, not the topic itself...I knew the rule, but I interpreted it only for NDA-hardware, maybe my english is not good enough to understand...But at this point we should both calm down...There is more important in life then points, and even more discussing about it...:-)
  8. If you read the post: "...which is in other words still under NDA..." But anyhow to make YOU happy, I removed the points (just 2)... This discussion turns for me into a direction, I don't like... Why you're accusing me in this way? If you keep it friendly, ok, np... Did I ever said a bad word about you or made a comment like this?
  9. That means ALL ES are not allowed, right? And anything, like motherboards, RAM, HD...
  10. What the f*** is going on here? Just to clerify: 1. this is a retail-CPU: http://oc-x.de/i7/i7-975-XE.jpg @Sam: you're right We got for GC 2009 5 retails for selecting and benching from ASUS, all same batch, nothing handpicked, I tested all of them personally and I was allowed to keep this one as let's say bonus for a good show and push it for more 2. Andre: if you feel better, I remove the points, but as fas as I know, there is NO NDA, compared to Gulftown, on the R3E, and I was allowed by Asus to show up at hwbot. If Massman don't allow hardware until retail coming out I respect, but please don't mix up not availible and NDA
  11. Thanx! This was a beta one, retail will come soon... It was a great session with greta people...:nice:
  12. Some say 150, some say 50, so why not meet in the middle with 100 for the first ten...
  13. For me it's less because of the points, it's more about getting hwbot as an WRs-ranking system, and one thing is from my point of view to award people (with points) to attract them submitting scores...
  14. For hwbot without awarding WRs open the gap between bot and WRs and make people to decide only one thing... I think, WRs need to be awarded... But anyway people like kingpin and AndreYang are in the lead, 3.0 didn't changend that much here...
  15. damn, R.I.P.
  16. :ws: Not bad BCLK....
  17. ~ 3 h left, but I can't submit this score: Stage 1: 93395 Does it still count? Submissions are not possible... Here the system: Edit, did the sumission here: http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=936733&new=true - but can't join Massman's competition...
  18. Ok, let's see and wait... The only thing I want to add, neither kingpin's 3D03 WR nor my 2nd 3D03 got counted because only few people played 2x5970...Even there is a list with WRs, they are in this case worthless for hwbot and will open a gap between WRs and hwbot-ranking...
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