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  1. TAXN

    [WTB-EU] DDR3

    $50 shipping 🥴 I'll PM you on discord!
  2. TAXN

    [WTB-EU] DDR3

    Hey guys! I want to buy: BBSE - 2200c9; 2133c8; 2133c9; 2000c8 or even 2000c9 if they tolerate voltage over 1.92v D9GTx - I guess any bin would do, but 2000c8/9; 1800c7 doms would be cool BASE non hyper - I want to try some GSkill Pis - I like the heatsinks
  3. digital footprint
  4. TAXN

    [EU] HD 5830s

    what putty are you using if you don't mind?
  5. p5q deluxe sold will keep the p5q premium please close☺️
  6. barely did it, cpuz running in XOC mode otherwise no way i could've made this screenshot
  7. didnt that guy alex just scam someone with a z690 board?
  8. p5e deluxe sold p5q3 deluxe sold
  9. sold, please close
  10. a motherboard is big and heavy which means the risk of it arriving damaged is high + shipping is expensive outside eu
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