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Everything posted by noxon

  1. Still quiet a headroom for those crazy tweaks you guys have figured out
  2. Nice score, seems i have to squeeze some more out of my 3770k
  3. Looking good Whats the difference between a normal run, and a run with the tweak? (In points)
  4. I were browsing the team members, and saw that the user, Rosty, don't have any TPP. I tried to "Recalculate member ranking" but still the same. So all his point doesn't contribute to the teams total, guess its about 2000 points. User: http://hwbot.org/user/rosty Team (He is at rank #13 atm.): http://hwbot.org/team/octeamdenmark/#Members Thanks in advance /Anders
  5. Nice Andre, the retails are strong if threated well
  6. Nice guys, next time, freeze the RAM and go for higher MHz 1150 6-7-6 should be easy, gives a lot
  7. Very nice guys, and damn nice chip I thought the one Nanok and i used was good, but this one is even better! The retail chips is kicking ass when the coldbug gets busted. 470k+ is easily done with some better RAM under cold
  8. The subtests are missing on the screenshot as far as i can see. * use default PCMark settings * have a valid screenshot (see example below): clearly show PCmark score, PCmark settings, processor in CPU-Z, GPU-Z, Subtest Scores (XP startup speed!), unless you have a valid futuremark ORB url * have a valid futuremark orb link as verification for scores in the top 20 So rerun, and break 21k
  9. About 2min faster at 4GHz than normal. So how ? Info please..
  10. Same problem here, at first the system was promising, validated 4950MHz on water, but memory stability was a joke, could use 2hours to get it boot with normal timings/mhz, tried 3 different kits, but same same.. Under dice the system got even more unstable
  11. And of course run in vista with aero glass theme on, (Transparent windows)
  12. Your highest score in the multi vga card ranking will get the global points and hardware points (if in top20). And the lower multigpu scores will only get hardware points if in top20.
  13. A video of the run + opening cpuz would do it ? It isnt hard to do, and the video can be uploaded to youtube or whatever.
  14. Np Massman, i removed the scores myself, and nanok have uploaded them now, so dont worry about that
  15. It isnt my cards, the ones posted (and now removed) in my profile was Nanoks, he was too lazy to upload the scores himself, and at that time we didnt know about the hardware sharing rules, but we do now ! And Nanoks hardware have nothing to do with Pederrs btw.
  16. Fx. if i post "); var _hwbcss = "http://hwbot.org/css/style.external.custom.css"; var _hwb = _hwb || []; _hwb.push(['type=noxon -10.250s - E8400@4500 Mhz ']); _hwb.push(['params=%2$s']); _hwb.push([_hwbtarget]); (function() { var hwbex = document.createElement('script'); hwbex.type = 'text/javascript'; hwbex.async = true; hwbex.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://') + 'hwbot.org/js/exf2.js'; var s = document.getElementById(_hwbtarget); s.parentNode.insertBefore(hwbex, s); })(); Hwbot will say unknown cpu If i try with a E8500, it works just fine Same goes for this example, changing the E84 with E85 and no problem.
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