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Everything posted by Elkim

  1. It's a superpower, haven't you heard of it?
  2. Seems like a container in stock should be mandatory as part of OC'ers equipment these days Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I think I'll go eat a snickers Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Budget friendly POT would be 2nd handed POT imo Make WTB topic in HWBOT market.
  5. Congratz I knew you will do it
  6. Ofc not, just merge apprentice and enthusiast and let watercooling be watercooling. If you wanna win in it, get a chiller or something. Tap water is cool method, I like it and no way I'd want ban anything lol
  7. Because for cold water there is a category while submitting. Is tap water cold? Yes its is. Its just cold water. Whole reason to that is competeability of the whole thing. And main problem is that "ambient" is just wrong word for our problem, we should stop calling it that and replace it with something else. Ambient in our case is everything but inconstant and its very foldable. The whole point of the league is to get the people fair chances, I see ambient as something that I live in, I sleep in, I bunny in, I eat it, just a surroundings that is comfortable to man. So yeas if somebody lives in hell, he get AC so he can live better and cool down surrounding area to 20°C. Staying 24/7/365 under 18°C isnt normal and thats not "our ambient". Ambient watercooling in our case is temp of waterloop which you can sustain by surrounding air temp in which you live in. I don't know folks, but it makes perfect sense to me how enthusiast league is set and how it is ment but there is just much much much headroom bend it. That is just way I see it. Remove ambient, it doesnt make sense in our case. Lets just do watercooling and dont give a bunny if its cooled by Nachtfalke'ss chiller to -50°C or mountain spring 4°C water or whatever lol
  8. So what is cold water? Or is it supposed to mean like chilled and cold are same thing? Artificiall or not, its not competeable when it comes to competitions or rankings... Guys who play chillers in enthusiast will switch to tap water and problem solved? I dont think so
  9. Check the submitting page, its chilled/cold, so yes, he doesnt chilling it, his water is just cold = Apprentice.
  10. Enough wil dew point lol When I run my external loop in winter, I get water on loop almost instantly, all I need to do is open my terrace door for a minute and its nice and dry. Strong fans will fix the condenz.
  11. Well you know how people are praying to God whole life and still waiting for a just sign...
  12. Nah, remove cooling lol, if you wanna be first, get LN2 and do whatever you need to do to be first. From what I know part of the staff are up to do that, but somebody is blocking that
  13. Not sure if you're saying what you're saying and mean it or you just saying some people (not you) think in that way. Anyway its really bunny logic but I have a saying for that. "You can't just explain to the dog that he's a dog"... Anyway same logic would be if I get small LN2 maker under my sink and I'd say It's fine and completely natural because it's being made from air in my house so it's enthusiast league-able even at fullpot lol
  14. I know, sadly system crashed was getting low score since but thx for reminder Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. @dinos22 you just made my day Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. I wasn't talking to you lol. Bots rules are clear, I'm not making anything, just somebody likes bending anything for their own sake lol
  17. No man, I get it very well, just another playing devilsA. Imo Ambient from point enthusiast league is where you live and stay and doing shiz. Do you really live/eat/sleep/other stuff in -20°C?
  18. I think you should go and write enthusiast tweak guide man
  19. Then you have no place in enthusiast imo... Since you bring this up, I wonder what @Christian Ney @websmile @Massman thinking about this, if they call me wrong, you'll have my apology
  20. Of course it isn't lol, thats chilly/cold and Apprentice. If people still need to ask about this, damnit Houstone...
  21. Dude I just didn't understood your blurry english in your first post Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. I'm not calling names either even if I know some. Thats why I started this thread which is ONLY about that if you cooling your waterloop with addition 3rd party cooling, you should just submit correctly. It will do the trick, move guys into apprentice where they are belong and thats just it. I think this is gentle way to approach the problem without fire on the roof. And if this will work, something like what happend to Karta last year will not happend that easily. Thats why I pushed even elite member to submit correctly even if it seems it doesnt really matter. Food for thought: Is reporting something you find shady even if you're mistaken (which I wasnt) a bad thing and making you snitch and rat? I think it makes you caring, thats all.
  23. I personally have nothing against jpmboy, I didn't pulled him out in first place, everything I said was, that the cooling should be marked properly. And what, everybody is pissed because I'm asking someone to do things right? Sorry George, you with your lifequotes and saying and you don't know the basic one. "The worst thing you can do about evil is doing nothing" quoting your first post in this thread where you basically saying its worthless to try to do something about it. If anything is toxic and boreding, its enthusiast league and people subbmiting wrong for their own agenda
  24. At least you submitted correctly And it has to do with mine windmills, thats why I started this thread, if you are interested in it, just ask me in PM...
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