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Everything posted by Elkim

  1. I'm interested, will contact you...
  2. yup
  3. Price drop 200€ + shipping lol
  4. Elkim


    Got some, lock.
  5. Elkim


    Hey, looking for 980Ti for (around) 300€ cca. Doesnt have to be any special edition, just for gaming, thanks...
  6. up
  7. I will go to retail price + shipping 220€ + postage
  8. Price drop 250€ shipped Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. up
  10. R15 4.8/4.8 1.26V stable 300€ shipped to EU, PM for worldwide
  11. Sold.
  12. Shipping to EU should be around 20€ via DPD.
  13. Shipping to EU should be around 20€ via DPD.
  14. Der8auer Fusion 3.1 POM GREEN EDITION (insulation removed just for photo, will put it on back)... 150€ + shipping Selling also Raptor 3 in another thread...
  15. In most cases, It doesn't find any data about FPO you enter for check if its OEM, but note that this might happen and no one really tells you if it is OEM or BX until they really scan the barcode. Better be asking for invoice or original box to see if it is really boxed and retail.
  16. Nope. Intel warranty online web says crap usually, I had planty of OEMs that this site was showing as BX retail piece, but when they scan the barcode, they will find out what it is truly is and if its OEM, they ship the RMA reject by DHL immediately.
  17. No, you are not doing wrong helping people, helping people is good thing if you actually help them I just don't buy that you just sent replacement to the guy when you don't know if you will get your replacement back. What is more weird that you bin chips and you sent DJ sealed unused one...sorry but from binners spirit...what if it might be gem?
  18. Sorry, this is BS... Why would you sent your brand new retail chip to someone who asked you to RMA his OEM chip, which can't be RMAed in standard way? You just wanted to help? Really? I wouldn't do that for my best friend, cos then I would loose alot of money, unless I'd certain I will be able to RMA to OEM one. Also, why would you ship 350$ or how much hardware via crap post service without tracking and insurance? Sorry but this one is most common scammer's bs they use... I dun know you but I though PRO guys are cool, at least for bussines...
  19. up
  20. 200€ + shipping.
  21. Looking for ThunderboltEX 3 ASUS PCIE card, need shipping top EU.
  22. Fresh insulated, original package included. Raptor 4 costs 500€, Raptor 3 costs 359€ so I think I will ask for 230€ shipped to EU, I think it fair. I have also Fusion 3.1 for sale if anyone is interested but will post it after next session.
  23. No, I inspected whole card properly, no burns, no discoloration, everything looks perfect.
  24. Elkim


    How bout Fusion 3.1 and Raptor3 both good insulated, 390€ shipped to Italy? Raptor 4 is kinda new at market, I doubt anyone will sell it soon.
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