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Everything posted by Elkim

  1. Interested in IHS, PM me if available, I'll send a payment
  2. Some serious devils advocate playing here @ozzie Since ages everyone know that custom water is not AiO cooling, better said water loop made from part. If we play dumb, we can say "Hey but we can put chiller there or icebucket, thats still definition of custom" No, its not, thats why its there the chilled/cold option in rolldown menu. Its clear as sky itself in summer morning. @jpmboy no, you are not affecting enthusiast and as much as its true, you should mark the submitts correctly. Nothing wrong on that, right? In your case it might help other to understand your and their results when they are pushing hard and looking for what they can improve.
  3. Damn...ok I have to try then...
  4. Doesnt get it worse thermal transfer under certain temp? Grizzly says +10°C is max, so in IDLE the TIM layer might go south, at least thats why I never used it with chilled water.
  5. I don't have problems with climate, its spring here and temps are low, my SS is weak and I had Inferno plugged on. I also have 2x MORA 3 PRO with Mayhems XT1 on my terrace so water is very chilled during winter. Ok, maybe you have platinum CPU but your sub is tagged as water (custom), thats not what is OK, since you asked. Not that it changes anything in your case. But enthusiast league is same of wrong submitting and that is wrong because alot of enthusiast league members should not be there, they should be in apprentice. That is the point.
  6. jpmboy`s XTU score: 1947 marks with a Core i7 7700K Where do you see chiller? Yes, he is elite so in specific way it doesnt really matter but it doesnt mean, he doesnt need to tag his results as chilled/watter. Problem is as you say in enthusiast league where is obviously normal to run any kind of water chilling and act like its ambient water.
  7. That doesn't matter, those options are not there as a joke lol...
  8. So maybe submit the result correctly as chilled/cold not water (custom)? If everybody doing this as they should, apprentice would be much larger and people who should not compete in ambient competitions doesnt steal chance from guys who play fair.
  9. This one is ^^. I just put best CPU I binned from 30 pieces in socket. Chip did 5.2/4.5 1.285V R15 without delid on AiO. I need 1.6V on weak phase change (-43°C) to pass XTU on 5510MHz and have 50°C in XTU load....
  10. Yup, I get your case, but there are more guys benching in same style like you, but in their case, they can get water temp with AC to 16°C or lower in small room with modular AC.
  11. Not sure what is your point but... Yes, you're living in hot area, not good for benching, also not good for living to stay/sleep in 28°C. So yes, you have AC and cool down your house to let's say 20°C-22°C range, that's ok and that is normal. If you bench in this enviroment, it's clearly ambient. But if you coold down your house/room to 16°C and you are benching in it, it's really clear what your intention is, to cool down the water in the loop and then it's chilled. Agree?
  12. Conscience for sure, but this is what should be stated as cooling method. Because at this moment it might be kinda focusing altho that I agree with you and makes same sense to me...
  13. Good idea. But with AC = less condenzation, it dries the air, and with some airflow I can run very cold water with no condenzation
  14. This is not about if its or isnt monitorable and if it can't be verified. Let's say I want to play fair, I really do, but I'm not sure if I should submit water (custom) or water (chilled/cold).
  15. The point isn't about line between ambient and extreme but between ambient and apprentice, submitting between water (custom) and water (chilled/cold) while submitting the result.
  16. Not tried good coke yet, I worry I might really like it I run my rads outside, atm 2x MORA 3 PRO, its fun during winter really, but I moved to LN2 already. The point is, if you run AC just to cooldown the water in loop, if its should be submitted as chilled/cold water. People argues, that its not, because other people just have AC in their home for living or northmen can open the window and they want to have same temp headroom.
  17. Hey guys, I'd like to know your opinions on the subject: The line between chilled water and normal water. 1) Temps or purpose? Is it about temps which are hard to verify. Or is it about cooling method and purpose by itself? Example: A) You live in area where is 30°C and your home is equipped with AC, so you're benching in 20°C. Ambient or chiiled/cold? I say ambient. B) You live in area where is 24°C and you run AC to 16°C or below with purpose to cool down the air so the temp of water in loop goes down, is that ambient or chilled/cold water? I say chilled/cold C) You put out rads in winter or open the window to decrease temps below normal temperatures human being lives in for 24/7. Ambient or chilled/cold? I say chilled/cold. I think weather cooling as ambient is nonsence, its all about purpose and even that some people like low temps for living, I think that no-one really lives in 18°C or below produced by AC for 24/7/365. Please kindly answer in: A: B: C: and share additional thoughts. Enthusiast league is mess really and the situation isnt really clear a there is much headroom to infinite argue what is or isnt chilled/cold. Thanks
  18. 1 for me pls
  19. Price is nice, I have one atm and not sure when and If I'll need second, I'll rather leave one for Matt, he is looking for good device for a long time
  20. Sold to Gavbon's bud yesterday
  21. Shipping to Czech Republic?
  22. Please, for your own safety do wear cryogenic protection gear, gloves, glasses and boots and never ever use torch inside. Also do not overclock anything, you can do harm to your computer.
  23. After delid, 5,3/4,5/3600c16 1.33V, this chip is really nice responding to temp drop, if I go 8°C on water, I can do that at 1.3V. Overall improvement 25°C 30mV-40mV after delid at 5,2GHz
  24. Guess I'm gonna steal it... L6390049 MOCF VID 1.168V R15 5.0/4.5/3600 c16 1.19V 5.2/4.5/3600 c16 1.29v // 1.3V on screen, but It passed 5 times in row at 1.29V, -5mV BSOD after benchmark ended... not delided
  25. Who is that NDA guy everyone talks about lol? Good yob Allen
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