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Everything posted by lanbonden

  1. Ok, I tried to slow my socket 754 rig down but I cant get it slower then ~3.5h for 1M, so only a slowdown of 250x Ill try the part with 32M on a x64 OS instead, just need to decide on what bench ssd/hdd to sacrafice for a future reinstall..
  2. @trodas, did you try to run it slower then 24h on a x64 OS? Not that it should be relevant as no CPU that suports x64 is close to slow enough for it to mater but still.. if you didnt test Ill do it. And did you start that 1M run yet?
  3. I wasnt home when it ended, but the 24h+ run on 1.6 sure has crashed for me aswell now after 24h plus. So confirmed that 1.5 and 1.6 cant run longer then 24 hours id say.
  4. Though so but beter ask then sorry
  5. Well, I guess so. I didnt get an error on WinXP but it just closed down instead. I took a risk at trying to end it with a nice time of 23h 59min XX seconds but it backfired and superpi just closed down instead so my guess for the crash is that the end time was 24h 00min XX sec which lead to a crash or that it just crashed the second it reached 24h. Im just over 19h into the run with 1.6 now so will know how it plays out in 5 hours.
  6. Probably a stupid question as my German isnt flawless so to say, but when looking at for example the following item does it say "for Slot A athlon 500MHz", does that meen that its specific for the 500MHz version of the CPU or is it the same device for all Slot A CPUs? http://oc-card.de/shop/product_info.php?info=p3_madex-oc-card.html&XTCsid=ce692f3bdd17149feef12c65ebdd4a44
  7. Slowed the first 24h run down a tad to much so watched it close down, must have been on the seconds as it finished 21:42 as it should but must have been at a to late second, if loop 24 is as long as the others that is.
  8. Google is your friend Found it here http://www.systemshock.co.za/forums/topic/30628-superpi-mod-1-6-available-for-download/
  9. starting a 24h+ run of 1.6, will report results tomorrow.
  10. probably wont be home when it happens, but first referens round will finish in a bit over 4hours at an estimated runtime of 23h 53mins to see that my slowdown dont affect superpi in any wierd way. Next part after that is to start a new round with the goal to finish just after 24h to see if its possible with a "modern" system with winXP or if its actually superpi thats to blame instead of a bug with winNT and superpi or something.
  11. The thing i do differnt is runing it on a "modern" rig with winXP, not that it should mater but still nice to see. wonder if we get this as a stage in the country cup, longest superpi32M run
  12. Ive moved out my slowgpupi rig again to test this superpi thing, plan is to try and get 2 runs with slowdowns, first one finishing at around 23h 50min and second one just passed 24h
  13. Thansks for the answeer. Well, I would still have had to solder the multiplier right? Or can that be changed with software also? Your cleaning advice seems to have fixed one of the 2 problems as R106 and R107 aint the same anymore, it didnt do anything for R103 / R104 side tho. This is a new image after the cleaning and some more solder removing, the combination of strong light and a bad camera really makes the dirt shine! I also found this "bad" image of how it should look so I could see what was traces in the pcb. And according to this one should there be a short between R103/R104 at the lower side but not on the top side and I cant see anything that should be a short between R103/R104s top sides and nope, the board still doesnt boot with the CPU, just shows 4 red lights
  14. I vote for alowing watercooling aswell as there is probably more people then me that got waterblocks for pretty much anything but dont have any custom aircoolers for some specific old card and its kind of hard to get a custom cooler for say a 8800gt today..
  15. First time playing with Slot-A and no spare CPU so cant controll measure so checking if someone here is familar with this ancient stuff. This CPUs are heavily limited by the cashe speed so tried to do a hard mod to change the divider for the cashe from 1/2 to 1/3 according to http://www.ocinside.de/workshop_en/athlonresistors/ Its a 500Mhz cpu with SEC 1/2 seting from start and that matched the setup from the guide and as its such a easy mod to just move 2 resistors did I get lazy and didnt controll measure any resistances before starting.. and ofc didnt it boot at all. Ive removed the 2 resistors to try and see if there is a short but nothing I can see more then that the surface of the card looks horrible and I should have gone with lower temperature! the wierd thing: Point 1 - 2 ~5Ohm Point 1 - 5 0Ohm Point 1 - 6 ~5Ohm Point 2 - 6 0Ohm Point 3 - 4, 0Ohm Point 3 - 7, 133kOhm Point 3 - 8, 133kOhm Point 7 - 8, 0Ohm It just doesnt make sence, why move the resistor if R103/R104 seems to be in parallel anyways and same with R106/R107. Have I managed to burn the pcb so bad that Ive shorted something, anyone remember how the resistanse should be in this case and what points shouldnt be shorted?
  16. The stages are pretty much decided on but would want some input about timing of the competition. 1) What do you think about the round lenght of 1 month? To long/short with only a few stages each round? 2) When is a good time to start it? I was looking at starting it after the Country cup and the hollidays as I have a feeling no one wants to bench over Xmas/new year. Here in Sweden id say it would be fine to have first stage from 1-31 of january, is this ok for the rest of the world aswell? Wait another month to get a break after the hollydays and Country cup?
  17. The good mix of all kinds of stages is what I like the most with the competition, that there is something for everyone and its a real team competition couse the chanse of one guy having all the stuff is very slim And a big grats to CP for great performance during the cup!
  18. Must say that I have no idea how its calculated yet. This is with the submissions reaching: CPU Challenge, best place 23 giving 7 points (points correct atleast) GPU Challenge, best place 1 giving 50 points. Misc Challenge, best place 7 giving 26 points. Mem Challenge, best place 12 giving 18 points
  19. yea our small 3 man team lost 2 submissions to this on the first round the 15th aswell and Im sure there was many others that lost submissions aswell.
  20. Yea, this competition was anoying with different ending time for all stages, so this stage ended very early today. Stage ends 30.09.2015, 03:00 UTC That was like 20h ago or something.
  21. The GPUPi stage ended like 20 hours ago or something so if your trying to submit not you missed the deadline
  22. Wow, cant deny I was kind of nervous to see if the file it created before crashing would be good or broken when uploading it!
  23. Interesting thought, is there any submissions at all thats longer then 24 hours posted from superpi? Got my thinking about some info from this post (that I shorted down to only include the relevant part) Could it be that superpi got the same problem as Wprime with 24h+ runs?
  24. Good to know now that Im working on figuring out what tests can be run on what (old school) hardware.
  25. About GPUPi, it should be possible to run on W2K with the 12.1 Catalyst driver for cpu suport.
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