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Everything posted by lanbonden

  1. Just got my DFI nf4 Ultra D motherboard and a fast optical control showed that its missing 2 components that Im fairly sure should be there as it looks like they have been riped off the card. I wonder if anyone with a whole card can check what ratings on the components so I can re add them before testing the card. The two components missing are as follows, first the caps in the red circle and then what I would guess is a small resistor in the green circle.
  2. Dont think your the only one buying that useless CPU just for the competition, ohh how I wish the 1 core that we in Sweden bought actualy worked
  3. Any update on when to expect Geekbench3 stage5 to begin today?
  4. How much of the 3000 points differens would you think comes from the faster memories with lower timings? Comparing your and Raules score indicates that they are pretty important.
  5. Im suprised its not more expensive, I meen just think how many engineering hours they have already put into that thing and think about how many units they probably expect to sell
  6. Seems to be some issue with round 3 in the ambient competitions as only the first person got a point this time, I assume this is a bug due to the maxout for the extreme competitions?
  7. This is a really neat tool, is there anything similar for 1150/1155?
  8. Question about the 4th stage, will it open this sunday and be 2 weeks long or will there be a week of break before it opens?
  9. Wasnt that bad, but I had a hard time denying for my GF that Im starting to get alot of hardware when I had to use 9 moving boxes for it this time... Another thing that hit me was that the item I got the most emotional about placing in the box was my soldering station
  10. Added a marker on the right side of the big pond
  11. Sorry to hear that, good luck with whatever hardware you decide to get instead
  12. Love reading those descriptions how you solve stuff, gives me ideas for future tests
  13. Cant say for sure without pics of the pcb but if its the same as the XFX gts 250 then its pin6 of the RT8841 chipset thats FB pin for the Vcore and one of pin 4 and 7 of the P6161S14 thats FB for Vmem (the other of the 2 is ground).
  14. As anoying as it was waiting for the target to be announced I just dont think it will mater for the outcome of this competition as I have a hard time seeing people hitting the exact target in the geekbench stage when the target will be 5 digits instead of 3 making it 100 times harder to hit it. Not to mention that the variation between runs is larger in Geekbench than in XTU further making it harder to hit the score. As an example, it took me 89 reruns at the same frequencys to hit 250 points in cloudgate for the teamcup and I was first to post that score. That was with 8 scores of 249 points and 6 scores of 251 points and the rest of the scores between something like 240 and 260 (a few randoms as high as 290) so if the target there would have been 5 digits it would have been impossible.
  15. Haha, +1 for creative use of background
  16. Isnt the goal to get as close to 900 XTU score as possible in the stage below? Did I understand this wrong or is it just the scoreboard thats not working as intended? GIGABYTE Target OC Open Target Ambient 4 cores XTU: 900 http://oc-esports.io/#!/round/gbt_opentarget_ambient4c
  17. Version v5.2.0.14 that you sent me worked perfectly with a 2600k, thanks again mate.
  18. Not valid as hwbot requires 5.1.2 or later but thanks for helping. @sskmercer sent a pm with a link to v5.2.0.14 so going to test it out soon
  19. Great, would be awesome if you can check what versions you got saved. Think its XTU v5.2.0.14 thats needed for Sandybridge.

  20. Tried to run XTU on my old 2600k CPU today but that failed horrible as it didnt even start. The reason is aparently that I need an older version of XTU like v5.2.0.14 but Im not having any success in finding it anywhere as most other sites just link to intel. So does anyone have v5.2.0.14 to share or any other version that works with socket 1155? Would really apreciate some help here
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