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Everything posted by Dualist

  1. Yep, can sit there all day on air running it to get a score just where you want it with a full desktop screenie then clock your rig to where it needs to be then with that desktop just add your cpuz's on your clocked rig, hello sweet efficiancy, simples
  2. Is it possible to review the situation about pifast.? There is no verification links or checksum to check for cheating. But I've found a simple way to fool it and I wouldn't be suprised if some of those super efficiant runs were done using this. I know this is gonna really annoy a lot of guys who put a massive lot of time and effort into benching but we need unhackable benches and I'm really sorry to bring all this up. A small vid I made...
  3. Can't wait to see your results
  4. many thanks for this Massman :celebration:
  5. I'd thought I'd post this here as no-one has responed to pm's. My old score is showing on the WR page not my new one and I can't delete my old one as it's been moderated. WR page.. http://hwbot.org/rankings/benchmark/pcmark_2005/world_records As you can see I'm 8th with an old score, you can see my new score on this page though.. http://hwbot.org/rankings/benchmark/pcmark_2005/rankings Score.. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/985987_dualist_pcmark_2005_core_i7_950_31149_marks?tab=info Should get me to 5th on the original page, it just that I need to link it to a sponsor to help me. Thanks, Dave.
  6. very nice work on that board mate
  7. Awesome thanks for this Do you happen to have a stripped version of Server 2008 32bit please.?
  8. Hope you have a good one RB :celebration:
  9. Try the ORB link, don't need anything else
  10. Any idea if this will work on other boards.? What are the numbers on the big chip please.?
  11. Got your head round them 'Perfect Storms' then mate Very nice ram speed
  12. No way
  13. Therefore against the current rules, retail = purchase. Brilliant, thank you
  14. Hi Guys, I thought non retail release hardware was not allowed.? Yes I know ES's are ok if there is a retail version available but TWKR's are a different bred aren't they but they are an admitted 'cherry' ES version of a retail chip. http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/phenom_ii_twkr I know the scores are not earth shattering but isn't it clearly a double standard.? As three of the guys submitting results are mods/admin here. I know also that you have the option for points or no points on uber cherry stuff, just that that box doesn't seem to have been ticked. I mean no offence here at all guys, I just though cherry stuff was a no no. Regards, Dave.
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