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Everything posted by Dualist

  1. Do you know if there will be a triple channel version.?
  2. Mucho thanks to Evocarlos, had a great weekend of benching, these 5870's fun and really good to finally get the best out of my 950.!! Couldn't have done it with out your skills
  3. Nice work Boris, the E8600 still kicks a$$ :woot: .... for now
  4. I believe these scores are from a card with a lower spec cards bios.... http://hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=875314 http://hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=875315 http://hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=875317 http://hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=875320 http://hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=875323 Shaders are wrong. Shaders on a 7600LE are as shown.. Those shaders in those benches are from a higher card, the 7600GS, 7600GT or the 7650GS. The guy in question has a 7650GS benched in his profile.
  5. Cool mate, I've always gone to the 'navigation' bit top left. All good
  6. Also 'hall of fame' only shows multi card setups in 3D.!
  7. Hi, You've changed the 'hall of fame'.! I can only see the top twenty, I want to all of them.! Can you make it so that if you click a benchmark header you get to see all.? Many thanks, Dave.
  8. Hi guys, I'd just thought I could maybe push this idea to you mads/admins. But as the current situation as to what is happening to the 3D scores I think it would be more interesting and more friendly to all the members here if we tried to split the SLi/Crossfire scores. As you ask if we use 2x, 3x or 4x cards in the multi card of the 3D benchmarks we could maybe split the catagories to several global areas. I'm only asking for this as at the moment you either bench one card or four.! Dual or tripple is out of the question and everyone is just waiting for the dual core cards before they bench. But if we split it, it may get guys to get better globals but ok the guys who have deep pockets get more points as they can bench the 3x's and 4x's for more globals but it' will make the multi card option more interesting. Just banging an idea out there. Dave
  9. Maybe fixing this sorted it out then.... http://www.hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=3467
  10. Err, is it just me or is Eifel$niper's score kinda wrong http://www.hwbot.org/hallOfFame.do?type=result&applicationId=14 Is there an AMD fanboi playing with the scores lol.
  11. Nothing to do with design, Nvidia own the rights to PhysX. ATi can use it if they pay a small fee, but they won't. I agree with you and we should be able to use it. Disabling it to make a level playing field is like saying the quad core guys should only run two threads of 'wprime' so the dual core guys don't feel left out
  12. +1 To get an email calling you a cheat then expect you not to kick off on the forum does take the p*** a little bit to be honest.. So it does need re-wording a little bit guys I did kick off in the first few postings I did here because of this, I'm suprised it didn't get changed earlier.
  13. Run it in xp, you should be only hitting about 55k with those settings. But it's a nice start though mate.

  14. You had a driver problem and in Win7 scores got really high on a low clocking cpu and gpu. Have a look at the other scores that you beat and you'll notice that it would not be possible on those clocks. All is ok mate
  15. Looks like a bugged run... http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=867294 Even has the driver error message in the corner.
  16. Looks very interesting. Should be a good addition
  17. this guys score is for three cards and is in the single card catagory. can you please sort it http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=846045
  18. Cool For old hardware to run in SLi on a Rampage @6ghz+ will be fun
  19. Don't think it's a problem providing you don't share hardware, they may ask you to prove this aswell. As there are sub-teams where there are more than one member submitting a score (ie. benchbros) why not just use your account and bench as a (sub)team.? That way you can use each others hardware without a problem.
  20. As the title says.... but is this allowed.? I ask this as the only way to do this is using hacked drivers, I thought hacked drivers are not allowed, only approved. Just curious
  21. When you click the link to post for the score that's 7th it doesn't show all the settings in 3Dmark so not valid, even if there is no validation pics or links for the first submission. If it is the same guy then 'tis a wee bit naughty.
  22. Afraid not, my scores were blocked and a mod spoke to my forum leaders at the time, since then I've hardly benched for nearly nine months heart not in it, just started to get into it again this weekend and then this. If futuremark settings aren't standard then not vaild, simple, you guys write the rules, stick to them.
  23. It should NOT be allowed, as my old score was for benching a 5200 Ultra was classed as cheating using the same driver last year for the same thing and I tweaked only Rivertuner. 'Max Anisotropy' is 1 not 4 as it is in the free version, it changes even in the free version and no-one belived me so NO IT SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED..!!
  24. Your 'settings' aren't standard by the look of it.
  25. Dualist


    On their front page they said that they were moving the forum over to SSD's and should have been finished friday night, so should be up anytime now
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