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Everything posted by ogblaz

  1. Up
  2. If the price is below 200e I am interested. I am from slovenia not estonia . What do you mean by authorities for r134a? I think that gas is avalable here in slovenia for everybody.
  3. Bump where you at Kio
  4. On eurosender.com the shipping price to 30kg is 36,99 ***8364; . If you want 150***8364; for the single stage we can have some kind of a deal here. Whats the mounting for, do you have a backplate and the whole thing? I would like a cascade but like you said shipping for that I dont know. Guys here in Slovenia order autoparts on palets 200kg and up and they pay around 100 for shipping but you need to find the firm who does this kind of shipping, there is a lot of trucks running around europe with empty space, you just find one
  5. Check your local post, gls, dpd... and get back to me. I dont think you need to make a woden case, harder cardboard should be fine.
  6. OK thanks anyway for your anwsers and everything . If somebody has something for me let me know
  7. Its a shame that already the pictures are gone, somebody should put them to a more reliable server.
  8. hi
  9. I got no other offers here... I am serious and i will buy this if you let it go . Have a think over the ester and let me know . Have a nice day.
  10. Sure, have a think or two becouse it needs to get checked by a fridge repair man thats the best I can do and to be honest for a semi working ss thats more that I normaly would offer. If it was ok i would pay you 250 without question... They could charge me 100€ to get it checked, i know for a fridge to get it filled only for the gas they charge 80€. And to find someone to fill an ss I think that is more difficult to find becouse I dont know anyone personaly. If I took it to little devil I dont know and didnt ask but i think he would not be the chipest way. Get back to me what you think.
  11. Get it to me for 200€ and we have a deal.
  12. Great! Did you work something about the shipping? How about the price? Waiting on the pics
  13. Why are you so ignored my friend
  14. http://www.eurosender.com/ Guys on my local forum sudgested this. There should be around 40€ shipping. I never sended nothing this heavy Did you try dpd or gls, your local post should be the expensiest way i think. If you tried that also i dont know any cheaper way. waiting on the pics 8) PS: talked to DPD from uk to slo 54€ i told them the package is 25kg, size does not matter in our case. I dont know how much you want for the unit itself
  15. Thats the spirit!
  16. Deal, I will take the unit even if its not fully functional, i will use it for parts, i was in a process of making my own single stage anyway but we will need to bump the price down a bit, i thought to pay around 200€ for a single stage.
  17. Thanks its a deal then! If somebody else got something you can make your offer here or on private Thanks, Blaz
  18. The price is OK with me, check the unit as soon as you can and get beck to me If the compresor is busted, maybe you can remove it from the unit, its the most heavy part and the shipping will be alot cheaper, and we can get the price a bit lover Then I will get a new compressor installed here and have it fixed. Get back to me, I am a serious buyer!
  19. I really dont know, how much does it weight, around 50kg? For how much will you let it go? I live 30km from little devil, I dont know the guy but maybe he can fix it
  20. Hi, I would like to buy as cheaply as I can a good single stage, to use with sockets 775 and 1150. I can modify the mounting if i must. Drop me a private message if you have something for me, it must be from EU becouse of the customs deep pockets ? Thanks, Blaz
  21. Hi, Iam about to attack celeron 347 for my frequency record, I have a Asus P5Q Pro turbo, whats with this pinmod? Do I need one, I tried searching online but found nothing. Thanks for your help.
  22. Hi, great guide my friend, I did this a week ago and my dewars now evap rate is much better than before, I lost 10L in three days now its less than a liter per day. Its bad, but I think this is normal for my type of dewar. I took the plug out of the dewar, the vaccum was present but was bad, then i go and bought the 1\4 valve like you told me, took the plug and the valve to a guy with the mill and he made threads on the plug and the valve, i used locktite "rope", bought a new oring, and used silicone grease on the plug. In original is high vaccum grease, but its 30€ i dont think it makes much diference. Thanks again for all your help!
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