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Everything posted by ogblaz

  1. I didn`t get another evaporator to date, but I got another compressor. Its a rotary compressor r410a with markings I can`t get a datasheet (5ps102), but I found that this should be a 10.2ccm unit with 2kW cooling capacity 6800BTU. Its not a strong compressor.. so is there any gain from my r134 embraco nj6220z , 1 HP, displacement 26.11 cm3 ? I also shorted the cap tube for 25cm but it didn`t change much. I have at my disposal a 0.8mm captube that I think to use. Bigger captubes are only sold as 30M bundles... Thank you for your help, Blaz
  2. Nobody? Thanks, Blaz
  3. I used e2140 processor at 1.95V for load and I added 70g more gas. It holds -46°C no problem. But for single core celerons and pentiums it can`t hold load at 1.95V I need to lower the voltage, or use only short tests. When I get another compressor I will try to tune it a bit more. If I get another evaporator I will make another, I don`t want to part this one out. Thanks, Blaz
  4. Hello all, I built my first single stage and it works. Now I have another compressor I got as a gift and I don`t want to part out my single stage. I know and I talked to bartx he can make me an evaporator, but its too much for me to spend for science. I already have a single stage and cascade so I don't want to spend too much. Fugger already talked to me and he is willing to gift me an evaporator but we need to sort out shipping and he is from US so I will have to deal with customs costs. So I opened up this thread if there is maybe somebody in EU with evaporator for sale? So I have more options. Used, with/without mounting I don't care just low price is all I need . EDIT 17.3.2023, I only got one offer but never with a price with shipping so I disassembled my original single stage, replaced the captube with 0.8mm and compressor with a rotary. That`s it, I will not make another because I don`t need it. Thanks, Blaz (Slovenia)
  5. Thanks, I will try to tune it some more. Its OK I can use it for frequency and short tests, for other I have a cascade and use that in chips with no cbb .
  6. Hello all, Wanted to build this for 10 years. Now the time has come and I made my first single stage. It is my first build but the compressor will be replaced with a rotary one from an old AC unit. I bought a used ( compressor NJ 6220Z, condenser ) and got evaporator from a friend who made single stages and cascades almost 20 years ago. It is charged with r404a gas (380Gr) the capillary tube is around 0.7mm (outside diameter 1.9mm), length is around 2-2.5M . It is working OK in idle around -46°C but on long loads goes up fast. I really don`t know how to tune it. Suction pressure is -0.2 bar, discharge is 9 bar. I only bench 775 socket ... The total cost is less than 100€ . Here are some pictures if you have some advice you can give it to me Thanks, Blaz.
  7. Hello all, Still have a wish to make myself a single stage phase change cooler. I had some emails with bartx but he stoped responding. I hope he is ok. Is there anyone else here that can make me only the evaporator if bartx can`t ? Thanks!
  8. https://hwbot.org/submission/5178810_ Delete please, i posted in 1024 , 32M result! Thanks
  9. 2mm was not enough it was bending. v2 version with 4mm thick aluminium . Made backplate too. Enough grinding and drilling for now . Have a nice day, Blaz
  10. Hey wutske, thanks for you response! I am good with my hands and have some tools to use so I made the plate at home. Buddy1 from this forum send me files so I could 3d print the plate with abs. As you said I am not confident to use that with ln2 so I made the plate out of 2mm aluminium sheet (used Buddy1 3d print as a template, THANKS MAN! ). I would like some thicker one, but that is the best I could find below my work bench it should hold just fine . Thank you all for your help and have a good one, Blaz
  11. Hello! I bought used copper pot and it didn`t came with mounting plate. Before I go and make it by hand I ask if anybody got the thing drawn so I can make it cut by laser ? Or maybe .stl for 3d print? The pot diameter is 71mm, I hope I will use it on 775 and 1150/55 motherboard. The more holes the better . I could use a good big backplate! Thank you all and have a good one, Blaz
  12. Today I asked for price 25L dewar in Slovenia, 82€ + tax, thats about 100€ OMG OMG
  13. Just take to a shop so they drill thru the whole brass piece, make a thread and screw in the valve. Check the seals on the whole thing and you should be ready to vacuum the thing.
  14. ogblaz

    [WTB] CPU Pot

    I want to replace my dimastech pot for something a bit better, like the inflection(not ek) or something from der8auer or kingpin... I am looking for around 100€ shipped to Slovenia. PM me with offer if you have something, Thanks
  15. The gain in volts was error, you gain 0,1V+ hurray
  16. Ok thnx for your help, i thought there will be more of a gain in volts
  17. I made this and i got a 0.05v gain is this all? Or should i check my solder. Also on the vdrop if a have it turned on 100k ohm i have a drop. To how much should i set it.
  18. Can somebody help me get past 1500mhz, start.elf i used from rpi forums doesnt work becouse i have 256mb ram version. I have some of ln2 left and i dont want to leave it to go to waste. PS: I already posted on rpi forums, if i also post here couldnt hurt
  19. I didnt found nothing for me for the past 3 months, i lost hope
  20. Saw one on ebay for 200$ located in canada. Have a look there. http://m.ebay.com/itm/261890210997?nav=SEARCH
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