Thanks, as you can see in photo attached, installation stuck like that or even before,looks like all sata is freezing, system is locked after while,if i can show a short video you understand better.
Hi i just get 5960x and Gigabyte SOC Champion , i'm trying to install os, but there is no way, i have G.skill Tridentz gtzko 3200 c14 2x8gb, can be incompatibility with stick? Memory are running without problem on Impact z170, tested all way, but there is no way to install OS, any tips?
Thanks Simone FLC Giannini
Hi i just get 5960x and Gigabyte SOC Champion , i'm trying to install os, but there is no way, i have G.skill Tridentz gtzko 3200 c14 2x8gb, can be incompatibility with stick? Memory are running without problem on Impact z170, tested all way, but there is no way to install OS, any tips?
Thanks Simone FLC Giannini
Edit, i saw later post is for x299...
hi , i have this motherboard , is possible to use Rog oc panel and command centre on this Mobo? thanks, i don't see any kind of plugged for rog ext pin