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Posts posted by GtiJason

  1. Hey Jason, sorry I didn't see this. I already have time off for the 14th but can get it moved if need be for another weekend. My plan now is to leave the Friday morning before and spend that day driving since it's around 10hours from my place.


    If you haven't already booked flights or other arrangements, let me know and we can finalize everything once the date is finalized.


    Count me in !

  2. Dmi-vccio are really related to each other, for example:


    You are using vccio 1.20v because is enough for your ddr setting, but when you srart benching 3d you need to increase vdmi....... If when you increase your vdmi over 1.65v the system crash or dont remove the cb, thats because vdmi isn't enough and you cant set more volt easily, you need to increase vccio.


    When u increase the vccio, vdmi can be setted higher and remove finally the cb!


    Sent from my F5121 using Tapatalk


    Thanks for the explanation, I found that 1.430vccio and 1.800v dmi worked for running Heaven w gtx 980 @ 1600 / 2150 and 7600k fullpot

  3. I am not being critical of you Michael or Leeghoofd, I understand this makes more work for you guys in terms of moderating results and trying to be fair while doing so. I think it puts you in a no win situation and as an overclocker yourself knowing the effort put in to compete and also knowing that many guys can't just easily refill there dewars and give it another go. There has got to be some way to make things fair, especially when prizes of this magnitude are involved. Maybe just stick to newer or benchmarks with better support from the developer like Geekbench 3/4, GPUPi, Futuremark (Firestrike etc), Unigen Superposition. Situations like this do nothing to help our community and we need to do a better job making sure they don't keep happening. Sorry, I've only gotten involved in this discussion because I am not competing in it but understand a lot of the frustration involved

  4. Why do we have known buggy benchmarks Point/Comp enabled, and why is this "bug" that has been known about for ages not mentioned in the comp and benchmark rules for those unfamiliar with this situation ? It seems bad for All involved, moderators have more un-needed work to do, many overclockers do not know about this even when they've been primarily benching 3d for many years and the Competition organizers/sponsors look bad for a few reasons. First being subs getting pulled so late in the competition that have correct screenshots can appear like someone has an agenda about who will get the prizes, doesn't really matter if the scores were bugged as it is also the perfect excuse to pull any sub. Second is they look like they don't know what they are doing when it comes to throwing a fair competition, they have several of the greatest overclockers ever on staff that have run this benchmark. Don't they meet with HWBot staff to discuss the benchmarks to be used, you know of this bug and they should know of this so why chose a benchmark with these problems and more. Like the fact that a verification link that not normally needed be added for the comp when everyone knows this is broken and there appears to be minimal support for this.


    I just think that while not technically shady, this just looks bad for our community and does nothing but frustrate the new guys in ambient class and may turn them away and aggrevate some of the veterans on lin to the point of walking away. We need these guys to stay, I probably would have left myself 3 years ago if it wasn't for the knowledge and helpfulness of several of these guys, one of whom recently left the scene. Who will pass the knowledge on then and be there to help when a fresh face is ready to toss his/her $3k rig out the window. Without experience like this on things like hardware, OS and running benchmarks efficiently we are all but doomed. Instead of trying to cram as many things we can into the schedule/budget every year maybe we need to step back and make sure our foundation is solid before we start trying to stack these cards as high as we can. It's simple, quality over quantity. Lets get things right and stop waiting until 5 minutes before leagues/comps start to decide what benchmarks to run and update an existing background from Rd 2 2016 to Rd 2 2017

  5. Too bad you arent close to me I would pick you up on the way. either way we can try and plan it so I can pick you up and drop you off at the airport and you can save on some transportation costs.


    I have a durango, so I can bring you a dewar to use and you can share some of my stuff.


    I was worried about affording it but if I can drive and share a room, cost wont be much. I was so disappointed missing last year, I have to go. I still have never met anyone in person.


    I see how much closer people get after they meet in person so I am excited to go to my first event. I feel left out sometimes.



    This is fantastic, lets make it happen this year !

  6. Have not found anyone to drive with and too far to do solo. Lets get dates figured out so I can book a flight, the price has already gone up $30 in last 2 weeks. Since I'll mot likely be flying el cheapo Frontier airlines probably wont get to bring much. I'd guess whatever I can fit in carry-on, maybe 2 mobo's, one pot, few cpu's, 2d gpu, maybe 980ti kpe or legacy w/ mods, several kits of psc, sammy, bbse, hypers etc. possibly psu in checked luggage. Most likely splitting room with Strong Island whatever days he'll be there and trying to figure out the rest since only affordable flights leave on Thursdays and return home either Sunday noonish or Tuesday same time. Just need Allen to confirm yes and all of Caseking US will be there :P .Lets get some more definate yes's going guys !

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