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Posts posted by GtiJason

  1. Legs will be shorter in height, no matter the length, a ATX PSU wouldn't fit under height wise.


    Why not change the leg design and have them wrap around the board, not like adding 4 or 5cm would make it too large for travel. Might take away a bit of the charactor but it will free up a lot of space in the center allowing you to re-create something clever such as RGB's, haha that ones for you CN.

  2. Overclock.net HWbot Team - Page 474

    Create Folder on Desktop called "To Eram". Put Super Pi program in it


    After E Ram installed, Lay's ERam install for Super Pi 32m - Album on Imgur click on my Computer and you'll see "Z drive"


    E-Ram download link:



    OCX SuperPi Tweaker (Copy-Waza)



    Drag Z drive to desktop (copy)


    Now drag "to eram" folder (super pi) to Z drive on desktop

    open that Z drive, open "to eram" folder in z drive

    right click drag super pi to desktop to create shortcut


    Open the Super Pi in - to eram folder

    grab bottom right corner of super pi window and pull up and left until you only see top bar with super pi logo and Super Pi / mod 1.5 XS

    Hit Alt C (for calculate), then hit Enter 3 times. this runs 16K

    do this like 15 times to get good score, close super pi and restart computer


    Drag "To Eram" to "Z drive" on desktop,

    Open Shortcut you made before restart and run 16K once.

    Now click Alt C, down arrow until you get to 32m, hit "Enter" ONCE only

    You'll see screen that says "Hit Enter to run 32m" just leave it alone or move to side

    Open OCX Pi Tweaker

    Open Task Manager (Ctrl Shift Esc)

    Details Tab, right click SuperPi, set Priority "Realtime"

    Right click Super Pi again, go to "Affinity" and have checkmark only in cpu core box "1"

    Core 1 is not always fastest or highest clocking, for best results try all 4 (core 0/1/2/3)

    If core 0 or 1 is best, set bios to 2 cores HyperThread Off

    If core 2 or 3 is the best core (Highest stable OC) then set bios accordingly; 3 core HT off, or all 4

    For Services I like to use the minimum possible

    Keep only "Plug and Play" and "Remote Procedure Call (RPC)"

    Disable "Shell Hardware Detection" "DCOM Server Process"

    "Event Log" (Event Log disabled makes boot slow so somedays I keep it enabled)


    Run Waza with OCX SPI Tweaker V. 1.08

    For Z87 / 97 / 170 / 270 a good starting point is Set like this:

    Size in MB "1200"

    Super Pi partition "C"

    Second partition "D"

    Single file size in KB "1024"

    Check box next to "CDT"

    Sleep Period "0 sec."

    Click "Run"

    Watch Task Manager "Available Memory" and after OCX Pi tweaker finishes and closes itself keep watching mem, It will be rising and when it gets to 520000-540000 it will slow down/stop rising

    Close Task Manager

    Hit "Enter" to run Super Pi, you may have to click on window that says "Hit Enter to run 32m" with the mouse so it's active.

    Sit back for just under 6 minutes and watch your hard work - Go to Work !


    # Additional Notes / Troubleshooting: Thank you Splave, CL3P2O and the rest of the OC community for documenting this info across the web so I could read and try !!!


    * Don't Forget to make sure your OS is prepped properly. Go to system>advanced>startup and recovery: Edit, add to... / maxmem =600 / no execute memory protection


    * eram = minimizes loop times early in bench, good for small gain or increase in efficiency

    maxmem setting for OS = super important.. values from ~580 - 650MB work well depending on Wazza size used, you may notice better times with one vs. other


    * wazza can also crash the bench when youre on the edge of stability.. starting small with just d->c , then building wazza to c->d->c works well for avoiding errors..sometimes with very tight settings its impossible to run very large wazza


    * pi.rec file = SAVE YOURS! All pro 32m benchers have their fastest 32m run saved for the purpose of keeping the pi.rec file that is created during the bench. While somewhat placebo.. its how you get very tiny opening loop times (delete existing and copy your saved pi.rec file into bench)


    *Drivers:There is no need to install MEI or Chipset, but if you do you can install manually via device manager. Thanks to Splave I know that Chipset=smbus and MEI=PCI Simple communication


    *Wahaha: I do not personally use Wahaha!, (another way to raise available ram). I find that it throws my start time off, meaning the time I hit enter to start 32m because it doesn't work hand in hand with Waza. Eram seems to work on all platforms pretty consitantly, but what counts even more for eram fast start is when you are waiting for avilable mem to rise exactly when you close task manager and hit enter to run 32m


    *Pay attention/ follow steps to a tee. A lot of people are doing something wrong with eram too, you should always open eram in control panel after setup or perica .gho install and set by hand. I just change size from 25000mb to 100000 and click modify before restarting comp you then need to open eram folder and double-click autounattend 2 times then restart


    *ctfmon: Same with new task in task manager, go to file, new task, type ctfmon then enter. You must do this twice to make sure ctfmon automatically starts with windows. This also helps fast start, it's a combination of ctfmon, eram and waza

    These things all make a difference and the only way to come close to matching top guys efficiency


    *OCX Pi tweaker: For waza I don't usually use OCX Pi tweaker simply because it was made for people who do not understand what they are trying to accomplish. Thats why there is the timer and auto close features. If you just create waza files one time in OCX Pi tweaker you can simply open C and D and copy those files from C to D, D to C, C to D or however you want. Just make sure you test just C to D or D to C solo because one way is faster. When you know that, then you should copy that more than the other such as start and finish with it, like in the first example or switch it up with something like C to D, D to C, C to D (twice) and so on

    Socket 1151 / Chipset Z170

    Socket 1151 / Chipset Z270

    Barbonet Wanted XP OS for SuperPi

    • Open toeram folder, double-click SuperPi

    • Shrink pi window, run 16k till best time (5g is .06x s)

    Create Drive D for waza

    Start, Control Panel, Admin Tools, Comp Manegement, Disc Management,

    New Partition>Letter D, Perform Quick Format

    Open drive C, Waza. Copy Pagefile.rar, Paste 9 times (1.25gb)

    Back to C, Copy this Waza folder

    Paste to drive D

    Disable a few un-needed services

    Start, Control Panel, Admin Tools, Services

    Keep only "Plug and Play" and "Remote Procedure Call (RPC)"

    Disable "Shell Hardware Detection" "DCOM Server Process" "Event Log" (Event Log disabled makes boot slow)

    Restart Computer


    OS was designed to not use mouse to run SuperPi, so keyboard only from this point on. (Except for shrinkin SuperPi window, Barbonet any idea about this ?)

    ToEram folder, ctrl C

    Eram, enter to open. ctrl V to paste ToEram inside Eram

    Alt F4 to close window

    Move to RUN.bat, press enter to start waza batch file

    Press any key to continue.....

    After it finishes wait 90 seconds

    Then time for SuperPi, shrink Pi window, run 16k several times and finally 32m

    After 32m finishes, Ctrl shift X to open explorer

    File, New task, type: "explorer"

    Right Click on bottom Windows Bar, "Tile Windows Vertically"

    Now open CPU-Z Windows, make sure proper background is showing (for Comps etc.) Take SCREENSHOT


    System for superPi 32m/1m by Perica_barii



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  3. Just stumbled on this thread last night.

    Read all 14 pages and was reminded of the sour taste this whole ambient debate brought out in me last fall during the MSI Ambient contest.

    I spent way to much time at my keyboard trying to get the mods to clear away the grey area to no avail, and in the process forgot the pure enjoyment that benching had brought me in the past. The prizes were big $, based on my budget, but the grey area involved in ambient destroyed the enjoyment and brought out a side of me I didn't like. The result of that debacle was a ruined cpu and a very negative attitude, although I did win an MSI hat, keychain, notebook and an open bench table - (open bench table is great, thank you MSI).

    I haven't bothered to compete since, other than the Geekbench memory challenge, which was a lot of fun, and the Country Cup in Dec. Maybe I'm just a whiney, sore loser, and clearly need to eat a few more Snickers.

    Whatever the case, that was my experience.

    After reading this thread, I'd like to remove myself from the Enthusiast class and challenge any of my "class-mates" to move to Apprentice as well. Perhaps there should be a time limit of some sort to stay in Enthusiast.

    Anyways, Websmile, or Christian, what is the process to change to Apprentice, and can anyone recommend a budget friendly pot for purchase? It's time for me to learn about cold.

    Please excuse my lengthy post.


    Great attitude ! If you want to try my EK cpu pot it's yours for as long as you need it !

    I know it's not one of the best pots but I used it for most of my cold 4770k results so it "works". I'm talking about my EK SF3D Inflection point pot with Intel 115x mounting base.

    Send me pm if interested, no strings attatched

  4. I already have them, a very good kit. They work @2200 with very very tight timings @1,8vdimm max, depending on IMC goodness. Only domialnator gtx 2000 7-7-7 I havent tested yet. But I'm looking for a very good psc kit, the pi series, 2000c6 or 2300c8, it's irrelevant. I'm waiting for a user reply via pm in here. Do you have any good stuff for me?


    WANTED ram ddr3 elpida hyper ( adata xpg+, corsair dominator gt/gtx ) or good psc ( gskill pi 2000mhz cl6 )


    I've got a few much greater than average psc xd/xe kits that I may part with. Are you looking for ln2 tested or will you be benching on air mostly? My best kits out of many are G.Skill Trident 2000c9's, Pi 2400c9, 2000c6 and Patriot Sector 5 2400c9's. I've also got a couple that are 2666c8ish max air that can go cheap. For Hypers I have a couple kits that passed my initial binning on Z97 but need more testing to confirm/deny golden status. You say your adata's do 2200 at 1.8v dimm, I hope you mean c7 and not c8 like the xmp. The kits I have are Patriot Sector 5 (dual) 2000c8, Mushkin Redline (triple) 1600c6-6-5 and Super Talent Speed 2200c8 .


    I'm super busy with work right now but can do some testing by around wed-thur this week if you let me know kind of specs / price range needed for psc

    • Like 1
  5. not z170 moc formula bios



    bios 740d oc formula not m


    straight from Sensei Shih,


    " MOCF newbios , improve B die tight timing training . "




    If you need for Z170 OC Formula official Asrock site has 7.40, never seen 740D for OCF. for m I just modify link above with bios I need


    ASRock > Z170 OC Formula

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