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Everything posted by tiborrr

  1. @The Stilt: Hehe P.S.: You will be getting the AMD Mounting some time around June 26th. Please PM me with your address.
  2. Words of 8Pack:
  3. I ran PSC at full pot but didn't gain much over -100°C with the particular bin I had on hand. This pot can do at least -185°C without problems.
  4. You speak french, you tell me
  5. Review (non sampled) by OverCleX: http://www.overclex.net/articles/test-du-ek-sf3d-triple-point-evo/
  6. Perica_baari also gearing up! Waiting for first results!
  7. Pictures courtesy of Alex Cordier - OverCleX
  8. Can't you Hex edit this?
  9. Most likely not. I expect Vantage or Fire Strike, maybe Wprime 1024k.
  10. GJ Massimo. Keep it up, you still have some reserve left at this frequencies!
  11. Let's see who is the most skilled in the sandbagging technique. I have a plan for the upcoming EK competition. Make your first competition submission a week before the end of the competition or you are not eligible to enter the competition at all. This way we know 'who is coming and who's missing out'
  12. ryba, Vivi, spanish & portugeese guys to say the least. :banana: The 650 Ti Boost is not a friendly card to bench. Packs some nice power but unfortunately gets bandwidth hungry so all those 1700MHz+ GPU speeds didn't help much EDIT: Nevermind, rbya and Vivi are in A league.
  13. Posted all my best. Have a Ti560 448c here but not in the mood to bench it though. Maybe for semi-finals if I qualify?
  14. Woohoo, excellent efficiency, very nice mem clocking!
  15. LGA-2011 is going to be available mid June, AMD end of June, legacy sockets per demand. Yes, potentially expensive but you do not need to purchase all at once. You just buy socket parts when you need them.
  16. Indeed it is. Had to go through 6 of them just to find a semi-decent one.
  17. Quick run on the LGA-1155 platform. Had some coldbug problems at -185°C initially but solved that with some BIOS tweaks. Therefore we had to hold the temperature at -180°C which was no problem for this pot. The surface area to mass ratio is balanced out well. Our EK-Thermocouple Type-K probes are great, dipped in LN2 they show -196 to ~ -197°C (depends on how well your thermometer is calibrated). We will start selling these in by mid June.
  18. Since everyone is marketing themselves you can also check out this: http://www.ekwb.com/shop/extreme.html
  19. O lot of theory being posted lately The most important factor is being ruled out (for the sake of sensationalism): good, highest bin sample.
  20. I agree with Dhenzjhen. This is why I do not use my Ci7 3930K ES in any of my benching - because it is an ES, belonging to a current CPU generation. Double standards much?
  21. Sorry, but this is ES CPU which is not allowed for points in Enthusiat and Overclockers League.
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