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Everything posted by rockeur.alexis

  1. Oh gosh, this is the end of Overclocking now its downclocking time, run bug 10K diff and nobody kick that score ? And since when downclocking give more bandwith....
  2. Nope its all my old score 0083 if i remember right ^^
  3. Ty ^^ Not efficient at all but will do better next time.
  4. Well, its ok, i found a Vrmtool to push the VID ^^ Max for now 1800 but i'm sure that the GPU need more juice, the VRM are at their maximum.
  5. Hello, Thank you Elmor, it work i can go full pot but i have violant OVP, do you know how to go over it ? Because i can't put more than 1.325V ^^ The max freq GPU with this voltages was 1760Mhz.
  6. Hello all !! Does anybody have a LN2 bios for the Strix edition ? Because the Ref LN2 Bios is not working on my card, impossible to have the display. Thanks guys
  7. Congratz !! Seems tweaked springs are working fine
  8. Congratz Allen !! A question, It's a DIY base or a futur KP cooling one ?
  9. Congratz Tobias ! I'm impressed by the CPU clock for 3D
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