Over the past 4 years, G.Skill and Corsair has been ruling the ram market for benchmarkers, the very top, has been from those two vendors 99% of the time, along the way came some other great products, ADATA, GeIL, Crucial & Kingston did pinch, but they were never truely dominating.
However, for the past year or so, there havent really been much activity from Corsair, it almost seems that they dont care anymore GTX-family was amazing product, they always got attention from both allied and foe, it was a serious player, untill GTX8 came(26th May 2011), those were the first that truely dissappointed, maybe the expectations were build up to high, but they did not impress compared to the outstanding products they were to replace.
Since then, almost a year has past by with 'Vengeance', targeted between value and Dominator (none GT), be it fair to say 'entry gamer kit'...
What are your vision on this? You think it is the fall of the titan, disagree with my thoughts, a temporarial thing, or maybe have a complete different view on things.
My 10 cents.
PS: It is a hardware discussion, not a "I am Mr. know it all", its just my humble thoughts, please share yours.