@ Massman- To emphasize what I said before- you won´t stop hardware sharing with this new revision- as long as individual rankings and hardware masters are in the game, some in the hunt for sponsors or glory-, this won´t help- make the punishment harder, for the individual cheater, and if he is long enough on tje team, punish the team, but please don´t demotivate alot of benchers who are proud to contribute their often few points to their teams, in whichs forum they found an Inet home- the new proposal of the HWBoints league is a step into the right direction, but having discussed in a lot of forums I found more than 90 percent, no matter how big or small the teams are, think the actual ranking system is OK and that they think ban the cheaters if you get them but don´t destroy aworking system because of some inscrupulous idiots who should be ashamed
the hunt will go on- as said that a lot of hardware wiöll be sent to the LN2 guys by the same teams which work unfair now just to climb up the rankings- you will just exchange one evil with another
Sorry for the long comment, I´m also tired, but I hope you understand what I intended to say;)
Best regards