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Everything posted by websmile

  1. - better delete and reload, my friend- looks nice on our Team stats though lol
  2. +1 That´s exactly my opinion- wouldn´t prevent sharing and cheating but destroy a workinmg system and a lot of teams+ offer new forms of cheating( sending pretested hardware to LN2 benchers within a team for climbing up the rankings)
  3. @SF3D I read this post and I understand it- but I also read and understood that one of the main reasons for killing the team-ranking( I cannot see this otherwise with the new paln) is the lack of manpower to look at results and discover cheats like hardwaresharing- of course I´d like to stay HWBot a free platform but if the money for better control is needed and the team ranking stays as it is now, encouraging a lot of small benchers to become part of teams and/or stay at the bot I would accept this- compared to the money spent for hardware by the members the 10 or 20 bucks would be less than peanuts;)
  4. I would have no problem in paying 10 bucks, maybe 20 a year-I appreciate your work here, know it costs a lot of time and server costs won´t be cheap as well- and looking at curious results like I saw recently here costs a lot of time and needs manpower- I don´t think we can have all of that for nothing;)- who really cares about this platform will be willing to pay a fair amount
  5. @ Massman- To emphasize what I said before- you won´t stop hardware sharing with this new revision- as long as individual rankings and hardware masters are in the game, some in the hunt for sponsors or glory-, this won´t help- make the punishment harder, for the individual cheater, and if he is long enough on tje team, punish the team, but please don´t demotivate alot of benchers who are proud to contribute their often few points to their teams, in whichs forum they found an Inet home- the new proposal of the HWBoints league is a step into the right direction, but having discussed in a lot of forums I found more than 90 percent, no matter how big or small the teams are, think the actual ranking system is OK and that they think ban the cheaters if you get them but don´t destroy aworking system because of some inscrupulous idiots who should be ashamed the hunt will go on- as said that a lot of hardware wiöll be sent to the LN2 guys by the same teams which work unfair now just to climb up the rankings- you will just exchange one evil with another Sorry for the long comment, I´m also tired, but I hope you understand what I intended to say;) Best regards
  6. You seem to underestimate the thought of being part of a team and achieving a goal together- being consequent your thoughts as well as the new rules may as well end up in abolishing the team ranking- that would be more honest- so let the games for the big egos with lots of money continue- just at the next level:D
  7. You might look at my profile and you will see a large variety of different cards- not high end cards;)- I´ve lost over 70% of my boints because of rev 3 and Multi-GPU being devalued, but Iin spite of thinking of quitting I started a new campaign- now you tell me that 95% of my scores, as well as 95% of the score of about 80-90% of your HWBot members are worthless and don´t contribute to the teams success- do you really think this is a step forward??- I simply can´t believe you are for away from reality:(
  8. I´m not happy about most of the plans for Rev 4,0- in fact I agree that hardware sharing won´t be eliminated as it still helps big egos to forward in single rankings- all you do ist make the work of new benchers and air and waterbenchers worthless for their teams, thereas demotivate them and spread anger and envy within teams- I am benching alone and this will stay so most of the time, its fun for me to take my system to the imit on air and I don´t need a party for that which kills my concentration and hardware;)- I wasn´t fond of rev 3 and still don´t like it, but compared to parts of your plans for Rev 4 it looks like heaven, at least it contains some logic and does not make big parts of the membership of your community outsiders which are worthless to their teams. These teams are founded in forums, they live of the help, friendship and respect within these communities- what you are intending to do is kill this and spread envy and discriminate any team-member which benches not on LN2. Just my 2 cents and sorry for my bad english, I´m a little rusted. Most of rev 4 simply suxx;)
  9. Is the fact that for the calculation of points not the number of submitted results but the number of results which are availble for points counted correct? Just saw this because sone results, ranked the same and in categories with the same amount of real submissions are rewarded different because of the fact that in one categorie less scores are available for points
  10. I think that Rev3 made very clear that people who made hwbot the most interesting Data source for hardware are not welcome as benchers any more. The message is clear, buy the newest hardware and of course mainstream(looking at the stats even 3870X2, 4890 or 5870 are mainstream for benches) and if you show skill in overclocking for example an older CF duo like X800, X1 oder 2900s, which is harder than benching a 5970 or two 4890, you get no points because most of the people can´t do that and there are a lot of single, but less CF results. For me Bot-time is over, if I only want to see mainstream results I can get them everywhere, and the for the WRs, there is more than enough data to find on ORB or ripping.org. I can only agree with most of the postings here, I reload most of myx results which I deleted or made pointless, but if it weren´t for my team I would delete my account
  11. Hi, thanks for the fast work, but in the 3D03 of 1950XT Crossfire the same problem remains, no1 result is ranked as number two with points and place for the bencher, and the same with the following places (result two - points and shown as no3 and so on). Am3, 3D01 and 05 are not bugged. Best regards P.S. Here is an example- the result is the Number one 3D03 but shown to be just number two and rewarded with the points for second place http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=750030
  12. Hi, seems some old results have been looked at as new ones, mixing up the ranking in the 03 and 06 category of the 1950XT Crossfire ranking. Would be nice if this could be fixed, against the showing in the result this is still 4th place in the 3D06 and same in the 03- since I´m not the only one who is touched by the bug I thought I give a hint here Example- 4th place in the list- ranked as 5th as result with the points for 5th place only;) http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=875418
  13. Thats Ok, I think I overreacted a little bit-peace - I don´t know why GPUZ bugged, the 0,34 worked fine for the 1900s but strange with the 1950s;)
  14. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=875378 This is a 1950 XT, and the result is in the right category. GPUZ misreads Memory as DDR4 and the clocks- but someone who knows about VGAs would know that there whwere no CF 1950 cards with 256MB and no 256MB DDR4 cards- If someone doubts the result- look at my AM3, because of this I have added an everst screen- I want thsi result to be acknoledged- if G80 is afraid of loosing points he should bench better and learn more about hardware, then he would not have to report correct results P.S. I just improved the score, this time I added two GPUZ(still misreading) and Everest GPU(which shows the 1950XT 256MB correct)- so I hope the issue is solved
  15. Just lost half of my points:), some results just aren´t ranked anymore, others lost points in spite of being in the same position- maybe new ranking system or a bug
  16. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=866327 The result is ranked as a 3D06 X850Pro Score, even the futuremark online Browswe shows it´s an X850XT- look at the SM2 score and compare it to the no1 result, wouild be 30% more with 30% less frequency;) and an X2 socket 939 Best regards
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