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Everything posted by MaddMutt

  1. Nice work Was that a special edition or have any mods done to it ???? You beat me to it :-) +1 For a Good Job. +1 For the Hard Work.
  2. Very nice Vince Are you posting these subs as a base line to compare your KP card against???
  3. How long are you going to make all of us wait before you release a K|ngP|n edition? Nice run
  4. - # of attendees- Bringing anyone with you or coming solo? Me and my wife as she has to drive. - Will you need a room? YES!!! We are trying to decided on showing up Thursday or Friday to see the town. - Hardware you hope/plan/expect to bring for benching- *AMD Will have (1) CHVF-Z prepped and as backup - 1 CHVF-Z and 1 R2.0 FX-8370, 8350, Phenom II 1100t, Phenom II 955, Semperon 145 *INTEL 1366 - Rampage III Extreme - no backup Core i7 920, 950, and hopefully a 980X *GPU's I plan on bringing my Asus R9 290X Matrix-P-4GD5 and MSI R9 290X Lightning to try for a WR. I will also have 2 additional 290X's for a possible 4 way. *Power Suppies I will have 1 Lepa 1600w, Evga 1300w G2, and hopefully a Corsair AX1200. *Memory I should be set on the memory side Dewar:- None 1x CPU & 1x GPU pot - Any equipment you can bring to loan or will need to borrow I think I can bring (2) 5 port switches, I know I can bring (3) 4 port Routers. I have 2 24" 1080p monitors (NO BASE) that I can bring. I have 75+ bag with RJ-45 and crimpers if needed. **I'll need to borrow a GPU pot so that I can run both cards. I'm hoping to sub good in the 1 card and 2 cards GPUPI. - direct link to your hwbot.org profile page (if available) http://hwbot.org/user/maddmutt/
  5. I'm setting it up right now for a DICE run. I'm hoping to break the block @ 215, increase the PCIe slowly or dial in 110 and see how it goes????
  6. This might have already been brought up....IF not I have a suggestion. That each benchmark class be given a World Record for that class of achievement. What I'm referring to is awarding an individual for having the fastest time with a 1 core, 2 core, 3 core, Ect, Ect, CPU. This would also include awarding an individual for having the Fastest 1 card, 2 cards, 3 cards, Ect, Ect, score. You may say that we already do this........http://hwbot.org/submission/3162947_riska_superpi___1m_core_i7_3770k_5sec_62ms The Last One is Funsoul who is RANKED 1st in 6xCPU........http://hwbot.org/submission/3166822_funsoul_hwbot_prime_core_i7_4930k_8669.79_pps
  7. I apologize if I have this in the wrong area. I looked but this was the only one that referred to the 1366 motherboard, Gigabyte not Asus. I was able to buy a R3E with an i7 950 for $300 and I also picked up a i7 920 for $40. If anyone still remembers their settings, it would be very helpful. I currently have the i7 920 installed with the multi at 12 I'm currently stuck @ 215 on the FSB. Any suggestions???? I've also paired the board with Triple Channel Corsair Dominator GT DDR3-2000 8-8-8-24 (Hypers). I'm hoping next month to be able to purchase an i7 980x. Thank You For Your Time In Reading This Post
  8. Awesome Run DUDE From the subs, it looks like you are 2 sec from being #1 :thup:
  9. Did you even get a chance to breathe before it was done??????? That's a sweet run
  10. Even though you are RANKED 1st in every Hardware Bot Prime 6c CATEGORY. The SYSTEM still did not give you a <<WR>> <<<<< YOU ARE THE MAN STEPHAN
  11. I can not load google drive to download Java 9
  12. Did you run 1 stick of memory or 2 sticks. Your CPU-Z -Memory- shows that you are running in single channel mode.
  13. I kind of know how you feel. I'm still having complications from my Heart Attack 4 months ago. I'll have a pacemaker installed March 9th, so I'm trying to sub some scores before then. I'm only 46.
  14. Nice run Did you really have the memory @ 228MHz????
  15. Why did you run the CPU part under RTC and change to HPET for the GPU part????
  16. Getting 8 R9 290x's on the same page @ 1B is a lot easier than it is when running 32B for 3 - 4 minutes.
  17. Here I was working on trying to dethrone 8 Pack. That is a sweet run Nice MOD you did so that you could get all 8 290x's working.
  18. I would like to help BUT : 1) You are not part of my Benching Team 2) You never give away tweaks that you have found I'm sorry.
  19. Thanks to the TEAM - E_D, Dolk, Witchy, Mandrake, Janus67, and the others for helping me setup the F1 Dark for this DICE run
  20. This is my first time benching with DICE. I know the CPU probably had more to give but I could not make it.
  21. @ Roony........ Thank you for the congrats. It was a nail bitter, I believe, until 0200 Eastern Time. When I put the nail in the coffin with a run @ 25.758. Yes I had switched out CPU's (8320 - 8370) but I dropped the 1866 memory (RipgawsZ) for the 1600 memory(Vengeance) because I have been tweaking them for over 3 yrs. The CPU speed never increased from the 8320 but I was able to increase the NB and lower the timings with the Corsair memory. Thank You For Your Time.......In Reading My Post
  22. Thank You Massman for the second chance Thank you Raven - for the luck.
  23. It's not over yet Roony STOP THE PRESS!!!! He's back listed as a Rookie You shot back with a run @ 26.202 I just submitted a run @ 26.173 This is looking like a Nail Bitter people
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