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Everything posted by Don_Dan

  1. Don_Dan

    Dragon F1 EE

    Closed until a picture of the item for sale is provided. Please read the Marketplace Rules.
  2. Total points are just that, ALL the points you've collected. They're used to determine your rank in the Hardware Masters League.
  3. Closed until a picture of the item for sale is provided. Please read the Marketplace Rules.
  4. ( Moved from Offtopic to Member Moderation ) Only your best 15 Global or WR Points submissions, your best 20 Hardware Points submissions and your Competition Points contribute to your league points. Read "best" submission as in "the most points". Your league points should be correct.
  5. Yeah, I think it's because the mobo name is just the laptop's name.
  6. Validation: http://valid.canardpc.com/tjg0qa
  7. Ticket ID: 1815 Priority: Low Please add Samsung NP770Z5E-S01 mainboard.\r\nPlease note that it\'s a BGA1224 mainboard, socket isn\'t recognized correctly.
  8. Sorry to bring this up again, but shouldn't it just be called NP355V4C-S01, otherwise we'd have to make versions for every language ( RU, DE, FR etc. ). Just came across this because I'd need the NP770Z5E-S01 ( my version is called NP770Z5E-S01DE ) to be added to the database, but I'll make a new ticket tomorrow and post a validation.
  9. websmile, he was warned after the SB score, we do care although it isn't always made public.
  10. Don_Dan

    s775 goodies

    Thanks! Well, what I meant to say, 550 MHz CL4 is average, they'll probably do 650 MHz CL5 which should be enough to max out most CPUs and have some fun.
  11. Don_Dan

    s775 goodies

    Sorry to chime in, but what voltage was needed for 630MHz CL4?
  12. Serial number in the SPD tab is identical in both screenshots...
  13. Closed until a picture of the item for sale is provided. Please read the Marketplace Rules.
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