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Everything posted by trodas

  1. Since I did not managed to find any bios explaining guide, that focus purely on speed, I hope to build it there, with the help of others There are some good guides, tough, such as: Asus BIOS overclocking guide: http://rog.asus.com/forum/showthread.php?2585-ASUS-Crosshair-V-Formula-BIOS-Guide-Overclocking Now what settings I get confirmed from experienced other user, that I edit back as confirmed recommended setting: Enhanced Halt State - allow better power saving - for speed IMHO disable? Intel Virtualization Technology - allow HW assisted virtualization, dunno for what Win this is necessary and ho idea about speed? CPU Thermal Throttling - "cooling" of the CPU by stoping it - for speed IMHO disble? No-Execute Memory Protection - allow VMM assisted protection of parts of memory - for speed IMHO disable? Hyper Threading Technology - allow system to see one core as two - for speed IMHO enable? Intel SpeedStep - allow dynamic changes to CPU clock and voltages - for speed IMHO disable? On-Demand Clock Modulation - allow realtime changes between clock throttling levels - for speed IMHO disable? Spread Spectrum - mudulating clock to reduce EMI = bad for overclock - disable
  2. In the description of Intel Core 2 Extreme X6800 is mentioned there: http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/core_2_x6800_293ghz/ "Default clock: 2933MHz, 135 Watt." I believe that this is a mistake. Intel says that the CPU have only 75W TDP: http://ark.intel.com/products/27258/Intel-Core2-Extreme-Processor-X6800-4M-Cache-2_93-GHz-1066-MHz-FSB ...so unless I'm mistaken, the 135 watt figure is wrong. In some processors the "watt" figure is nt even mentioned: http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/pentium_4_650/ http://ark.intel.com/products/27482/Intel-Pentium-4-Processor-650-supporting-HT-Technology-2M-Cache-3_40-GHz-800-MHz-FSB So I have no idea, if this is right or wrong... or if this is even meant to be TDP or what... Well at least then pls add this image to the Intel Core 2 Extreme X6800 CPU: Thanks! ...waiting impatiently for mine to arrive:
  3. Nice sponsor BTW, have you reported that CPU-Z failed to detect 18 cores? It detected right 36 threads, but only 10 cores it report Too few! ))
  4. PS. to present a solution - menu start, run and type CMD In the "DOS" window type: sc config DcomLaunch start= auto sc start DcomLaunch ...and wPrime will run just fine then
  5. So, when my Celeron 336 does not like to go higher that FSB 154, then what about my Pentium 4 650? Can it get higher? We see. First at all, puting a P4 in the mainboard "unlocked" the DDR400 settings (previously only 133 and 166MHz ram settings are available, now 200MHz is possible too, hoooray!). And another thing is, that the Intel cooler is not cooling the CPU well, when come past 3.5GHz, as there are serious thermal slow-downs... Also the Mushkin enhanced rams cannot make it stable past 200MHz (maybe not even on 200MHz, as they need the TRAS 9, while maximum setting is 8 on this board), so I replaced them with 2x1G sticks OCZP4001G that I have tested they run well at 2.5-3-3-7 1T to 232MHz with mere 2.64V Sadly it turns out, that any overclocking with this "cooler" is just a wishfull thinking, so solution is simple - get better cooling, mod the mainboard caps for quality ones, add caps, use good PSU - and possibly also use less TDP demanding CPU (P4 650 have 84W TDP, Core 2 Extreme X6800 have 75W TDP). Also I realized, that the nVidia FX 5600XT card, witch I like and moded pretty much well ( http://s18.postimg.org/g28j6c70p/Ge_Force_FX5600_XT_cooling_Accelero_Mono_Plus_5.jpg ) cannot give over 60Hz output in 1280x1024 using DVI. Crappy lame HW limits. I learn that nVidia used crappy TMDS encoders in the whole FX 5xxx line, so basically it cannot send quality digital signal of need clocks for 75Hz... damn! (hence crappy R9100 can do 75Hz over DVI, but FX 5900 Ultra cannot) Solution - get Radeon 9600XT and recap it, mod it ... I have to report a little progress: - get serious PSU - done. eVGA Supernova G2 850W might be a "bit" overkill, but it does the job done: - get serious cooling - done. Noctua NH-C12P SE14 will get the job done and keep even highly TDP demanding CPU's in reasonable temps: Also I have progress on the bios thing - using AMIBCP v3.51 ( http://forums.mydigitallife.info/threads/61062-ASRock-775i65G-R3-0-bios-unlock ) I opened the bios and - sadly - there is no hidden options: Damn. Nevermind - how far it will overclock now, witch good cooler? Even 218x17 (3703MHz: http://valid.canardpc.com/hrmiv0 ) does not seems to be a slightest problem. Surprisingly (there are plenty of much faster CPUs, so WTF?) I even set a SuperPi 32M record for the mobo: http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/775i65g/ ( http://hwbot.org/submission/2858182_trodas_superpi___32m_pentium_4_650_31min_52sec_609ms ) ...witch is hardly any record, but currently it is So till the rams and X6800 Extreme CPU come, I could play a bit to see, how far the poor P4 650 can be pushed w/o increasing the voltage
  6. RPG for parents
  7. Strunkenbold - Well, then I probably should start to use Waza, because w/o the Waza I get to 32min 52sec 609ms with my P4 650 at 215x17: http://hwbot.org/submission/2858082_trodas_superpi___32m_pentium_4_650_32min_52sec_609ms (first place using the ASRock 775i65G mobo, lol... and I did not even tried very hard to get there... just used good cooler - Noctua NH-C12P SE14 and damn serious PSU - eVGA Supernova G2 850W ... and there is it Now how about 217x17?! ) So if using Waza grant me 30 to 60 sec, then my result will be even better. That seems to be worth the try... when your rams come by Still nothing yet, so I wonder when you send me these? TASOS - Good to know, thanks! I also noticed, that the PAT need to be enabled past 200MHz - eg. as soon, as I started overclocking the P4. I could only wonder, where my Core 2 Extreme X6800 is waiting. Ordered one from China and hoped for some fun with unlocked multiplier - eg. to be possible to push the FSB really high Strunkenbold promised rams, that can do 265MHz with reasonable timings, so together and all-in-all it could be interesting overclocking platform. Some records should be broken - hopefully How it evolve over time:
  8. Well, last time I heard something against full display images from not-supporting MFGs, so I rather go with the Gigabyte that does support. Besides - this is how my FX 5600XT look, so, one more reason. But okay, next time I note that this is not relevant, only for mainboards Thanks! Looks pretty well now
  9. ...I would very much like to see pictures of these mainboards They are kinda looks promising for some passively cooled only homeserver... are not they?
  10. A good image for the FX5600XT card could be this one from sponsoring Gigabyte: ...it also looks like my FX5600XT ... before I started to mod it Thx!
  11. Fitting Accelero Mono Plus cooler on Gigabyte FX5600XT card is possible - you just have to tweak the bottom heatsink holder a "bit": Original looks this way: http://www.dvhardware.net/news/2011/arctic_accelero_mono_plus_2.jpg ...and then it fit: Next thing - glue the heatsink on this mosfet: ...and hope for even higher overclock that was before
  12. Yes! Confirmed. Thank you very much, guys!
  13. Sorry then, I just noticed that BS Intel is pulling...
  14. http://www.reddit.com/r/AMD/wiki/sabotage Listed within the Wiki is a tool to repair files with the Intel's cripple. I've yet to test it, but you're welcome to check out all the links for yourself. It will only fix 32 bit applications with Intel's cripple. Any newer cripple code won't be found or extracted. ... (no, AMD cpu's aren't going to beat Intel, but still they can run faster) ... My eye caught this: So this suxxka plays video and shows the audience that this is a Direct X 11 game? Driving my one hand and making fun of it? Come on. He have no shame?! What a bunch of crocks...
  15. Well, the test was made on highly overclocked i7, so it is well possible that on old machines it could help more. Gotta try it next time I try the SuperPi for more speed But then the Abit IC7-MAX3 have more modern chipset that the ASRock 775i65g...! What do i865G stand against the i875 in terms of speed? BTW, the performance mode seems enabled by default in i865 according to this screenshot of mine: So there is no reason to fall back because of PAT. Waza would give less that minute, so then a WinXP optimizing is only one thing that is left Suggestions? I actually think that I disabled the WFP, the unnecessary services... and then there is not much left to do. Right or wrong?
  16. Well, 3.9GHz is impressive result still. What tweaks in Windows XP you have in mind? And is not PAT on by default on P4? (visible even in Windows info screen (left Win key + Pause key) And waza is, as I looked it up ( http://www.diskusjon.no/index.php?showtopic=1630795 ) basicaly just a cache. So the SuperPi writes are cached into ram, witch make them faster. The guy get 5sec on 32M runs. Sure, each 5sec is good, but we are talking about 32min vs 47min: http://hwbot.org/submission/2847595_strunkenbold_superpi___32m_pentium_4_2.8_ghz_c_northw._%28200_fsb_ht%29_32min_5sec_734ms/ http://hwbot.org/submission/2434608_trodas_superpi___32m_pentium_4_3.4_ghz_prescott_47min_22sec_390ms I saw 5sec gains on SuperPi 1M test by just replacing caps with more quality ones. And I saw 1h 40-something minutes Super Pi 32M run yesterday on the 3.2GHz Celeron of mine... so 32min is something quite from other world And yes, I noticed that even 6MHz FSB increase give amazingly good results, as the P4 in my mobo (MSI PM8M3-V) is very much limited by memory speed. I wonder, what happen using the i865G chipset. I have identical Socket 775 P4 (3.4GHz), so I might compare the chipsets Oh, disbling SATA is the key on the VIA P4M800... oh, well. Same limits seems to apply in the regards of 1T / 2T as for me. Maybe it only support 1T on like 128 or 256MB sticks? Or maybe not at all? No-one seems to be able to run 1T on VIA P4M800, so I would put that into the rest. There is only one question that bug me - you reached 254MHz FSB with the MSI PM8M3-V: http://hwbot.org/submission/2835564_strunkenbold_reference_clock_pm8m3_v_254.51_mhz The question is HOW, because the bios does not support and overclocking at all. I had to mod it and unlock the overclocking... and even with that it tops at 250MHz. You simply cannot set more... so how do you did push the poor mobo all the way to 254MHz? Just wondering And on the i865G I did not even have the Command Rate setting in bios. So, unless there is some good overclocking bios out there, then I have no idea how to even try setting the 1T You have the setting and does it work with other ram sticks, likely of small capacity?
  17. It never bothered me yet, but... now I wanted to add comment or two under some very nice scores (to boost the user happines with such results), but I cannot. HWbot report: That did not sounded like any problem, I have same nick (trodas) on forum as on HWbot, so I go there and type the nick (trodas) and the correct pass (xxx) and click to get this error: Now... wait a moment. I did not wanted to create any account. I need to link my HWbot and my HWbot forum accounts. That it is. How can I do it? It is some sort of bug? Could it be related to the fact that I was using long password before on the forum (forum always supported long pass) and shorter on HWbot, till it get supported to have longer (over 10 char) pass? I'm open to all suggestions. I just reporting that it does not work
  18. Well, UCbench was always producing unreliable results. Each run was different and not slightly, sometimes dramatically. It get to the point, where with higher CPU clocks and tighter ram settings I was unable to beat a competitor, just because he either bugged the score, or run it with 64+ cores to get higher result by luck. Good to see that slowly but surely something is done with this.
  19. I worry not, I was just surprised that the factory designed name is not working, lol. Hopefully this will be fixed soon...
  20. I wanted board that support AGP and the Core 2 Duo CPU's, especially the Core 2 Extreme X6800 for AGP benching. Dunno if that was a good choice, but the first board I get for this purpose is ASRock 775i65G R3.0. It does not look like much: http://postimg.org/image/i2e14qssf/ http://www.asrock.com/mb/Intel/775i65G%20R3.0/ ...but it promise support for the FSB 1066 on the fast CPUs. I ordered a Core 2 Extreme X6800 ( http://www.ebay.com/itm/Intel-Core-2-Extreme-Processor-X6800-SL9S5-2-93-GHz-4M-1066-MHz-FSB-/191455804119?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2c93a7bad7 ), some fast rams should be moving towards me too ( http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=95400&page=2 ), so what remain is a good cooler, PSU and let's the journey begin At first I tried a lazy old Celeron 336 (2.8GHz) and some crapy rams (2x 512MB Mushkin enhanced 2.5-4-4-9 tested at 200MHz): The board is completely stock, except that I get rid of the stickers and the "bubble gum" for the chipset cooler, replaced with AS2. There did not seems to be a way to increase Vcore in bios and using a stock Intel cooler I hit wall at 154MHz FSB (x21) pretty soon: http://valid.canardpc.com/lregg7 Now we can all quess, what that caused. Not enought Vcore? Celeron having a problem going over 3.2GHz? Poor cooling? Poor old FSP300-60NP PSU? Rams? (they should not be the case, as I tested them with the timings (except TRAS 9, this board did not let me set over 8) at 200MHz) Never the less, I started measuring on the mobo what caps I can replace with quality ones. There is the table of caps and voltages on ASRock 775i65G R3.0: Including original .ai file (Illustrator 7), if anyone want to use/print it for own moding. Surprisingly, the board have zero caps from the bottom. And since it have only 5Vcore output caps, then I have to come up with some mod that add caps to the Vcore output, as this is IMHO not enought caps for only 3 phase Vcore regulation. Still, people managed max FSB 352MHz: http://ww.w.hwbot.org/submission/2430766_ludek_reference_clock_775i65g_352.44_mhz ...max memory clock 250MHz: http://ww.w.hwbot.org/submission/2327744_chris_666_memory_clock_ddr_sdram_249_mhz ...and max CPU clock od 4.2GHz: http://ww.w.hwbot.org/submission/2339937_darkzeus_cpu_frequency_pentium_4_641_4220.4_mhz ...so I have something to look forward to
  21. Northwood CPU need any discussion? This wonderfully clocking, yet performance poor NetBurst architecture is there for quite some time and people managed to push it at over 8GHz, so... probably highest clocked CPU yet made comercially available? What more could be said about it? I like it, I running on it ATM ( http://valid.canardpc.com/xu5x95 ). One can buy (Prescott) even a 3.8GHz P4 CPUs (Pentium 4 670) for some oldchool fun
  22. TheMadDutchDude - try only 336? Ok, good call, it suggest the Celeron LGA775 336... witch is good. Still "Celeron 336" should work. It is the name of the CPU by it's own maker, for f*ck sake.
  23. Hey, gosh, thanks! That worked right away... IMHO it is still bug, because intel does not name the CPU "Celeron LGA775 336", but just a "Celeron 336", resp. "Celeron D 336"... Done: http://hwbot.org/submission/2848586_trodas_cpu_frequency_celeron_lga775_336_3144_mhz Off to see, what is the top clock w/o increasing and Vcore... seems 154MHz x 21 is max...
  24. Todays I just for fun started playing with my ASRock 775i65g board: At first I tried to use the lowest S775 CPU I have - a Celeron 336... and surprisingly, when I tried to submit score with it, it keep complaining that "Processor is required for 2D benchmarks!" Now obviously the question is, why "Celeron 336" or "Celeron D 336" is not accepted by HW bot at all. And nothing usable is suggested either... I noticed, that "Celeron 220" is acceptable (and get suggested), but not 336... why is the whole line of Celerons missing? Not supported at all? Should I lie and choose the Celeron 220, just to get score submited?! Or how else can I submit score with THIS cpu: http://valid.canardpc.com/bvbm3p http://ark.intel.com/products/27119/Intel-Celeron-D-Processor-336-256K-Cache-2_80-GHz-533-MHz-FSB I'm open for all suggestions :celebration:
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