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Everything posted by trodas

  1. Is not need to be enabled the HPET setting on Win8/Win10 systems in order to get validated score?
  2. And where to get these moded inf versions of drivers and what the moded inf are good for? More speeeeeeed? v197.45? I fear that they will be slower that the v169.10 I try from the basco suggested site above...
  3. But slow HDD do become a problem with SuperPi 32M, right? BTW, why be so negative? Is not this a best submission for 1.133GHz Tualatin? 203MHz with 2-2-2-7 rams? That is WOW
  4. Very nice But... is not the poor CPU getting a little bit too... cold?
  5. Well, it is definitively not related to over 24h for calculation, as 33+h runs are shown: So it must be related to HDD / chipset stability under very high CPU load...
  6. First at all, my highest score is there - 96k points, not 88k: http://hwbot.org/submission/2993272_ And second - well, I would like to see in each score not the N/A, but a position, where the score is. That is the whole purpose of HWbot, is not it? And hiting recalculate simply fail to work on also these submissions: http://hwbot.org/submission/2993535_ http://hwbot.org/submission/2993533_ http://hwbot.org/submission/2993515_ http://hwbot.org/submission/2993312_ http://hwbot.org/submission/2993131_ http://hwbot.org/submission/2988759_ http://hwbot.org/submission/2988263_ http://hwbot.org/submission/2981375_ http://hwbot.org/submission/2981364_ ...etc... Is too much to ask to know, where one stands with the ranking? I believe that this is the reason why HWbot exist in first place. So killing that (not showing where the score stands) is IMHO serious problem worth investigating.
  7. Thanks!
  8. Thank you!
  9. My nice Opteron 148 90nm CPU have no image to represent. http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/opteron_148_90nm/ A fix is need... and there is a nice image for good representing: Accepted?
  10. Nice Opteron 146 90nm CPU have no image to represent! http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/opteron_146_90nm/ A fix is need... and there is a nice image for good representing: Accepted?
  11. liqmet - True, but I wanted them one by one... as I made it and progress with overclocking.. Also - can you please tell me, where is the recalculation link at that submission??? I'm probably getting blind...
  12. Pls let us know on the progress too.
  13. Same happens there for most of my Aqamark submissions. (R9600XT was fine...) Two examples: PI-A9RX480: http://hwbot.org/submission/2993272_ 775Dual-VSTA: http://hwbot.org/submission/2981405_ 775Dual-VSTA: http://hwbot.org/submission/2981399_ 775Dual-VSTA: http://hwbot.org/submission/2981395_ 775Dual-VSTA: http://hwbot.org/submission/2981391_ 775Dual-VSTA: http://hwbot.org/submission/2981389_ Clicking on recalculate is not helping. Help?
  14. Strunkenbold Qimonda DDR rams in PI-A9RX480 - 254MHz w/o even trying any overclock: Sure, 3-3-2-8 is not any miracle and the dreaded 2T is likely mainboard fault, as years before it worked well with 1T ... and now it does not. Recapping is in order, IMHO... But the rams are going pretty strong Time to push harder...
  15. I made a 4k run for testing purposes, before I start overclocking: http://hwbot.org/submission/2993510_ And strangely enought, when I type the A9RX480 ... the drop-down box suggeting PI-A9RX480 did NOT appear. So I type the correct mainboard down myself: http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/pi-a9rx480/ ...but since that is not recognized at all, then the test are on "unknown" mainboard. So obviously I would like some mod to change that and also fix the error, because I believe that when I run the 1080i test of the x265 bench, it will be the same bug over again... Pls fix? PS. also on the mainboard page is very interesting, that none of the scores show and relation to the rest of scores - eg. I did not see that the score is 1st or 20th for the Opteron 148 ... witch suxx bad. Not to mention the picture is stretched and ughly. I proposed adding THIS nice picture some time ago: http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=87316 Could someone fix the ughly stretching?
  16. Well, it is easy for me - I never participated yet before in any competition, so I have the "competition: 0 earned in OC-ESPORTS competitions" there So I quess when that change somehow, then we know. Dunno, what the lowest Intel clock (10.7 http://hwbot.org/submission/2987009_ ) and lowest Aquamark score (2 http://hwbot.org/submission/2980283_ ) will be worth anyway. Also it might depends on if the HWbot failure ( http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=146717 ) to let me submit my better (slower, 781h ( http://hwbot.org/submission/2992627_ ) instead of previously best 368h score http://hwbot.org/submission/2962121_ ) score into the competition or not It would make a slight difference for me too...
  17. Not yet, but I will give it a try, thanks a lot! v169.10 should be good...
  18. Yea, I did. But then I missed the deadline on competition: http://hwbot.org/submission/2992627_ And the score is calculated wrongly, exactly same timereporting as havli 900h+ result, while mine is "only" 781h... So it will be up to moderator decision, if that score count towards the Teamcup... or not. Well, what one can do...
  19. Guys, I downloaded for me little 8600 GT card a nVidia Forceware 162.67 drivers and when I apply coolbits, the speed actually go down. So it looks like that nVidia modified their drivers on their webpage to actually prevent overclocking by coolbits (the easy way and preffered way for me) for even old cards. Now the question is obvious - where and witch drivers (or modified ones?) I should use? Or someone have them on the CD or in "Install" directory on HDD as I have most stuff and can upload them on mediafire.com or somewhere...? Thanks for suggestions. I know it looks as a bit lame question, but IIRC the Omega drivers ended up at around v61.77 Forceware and for 8600 GT I need 162.67 and higher. I would prefer the old controll pannel, but that is probably wishing too much...
  20. Thank you very much!
  21. ObscureParadox - Tragic fail. TBH my GF is supportive and she even tried overclocking a bit the Athlon in MSI K7TM Pro mobo, sadly the mobo is weird and it always freeze when saving the 113MHz overclock over 100MHz default, so it is flustrating. Also it react just weird, set 95MHz = freeze. Set 102, get 102. Set 104, get 104. Set 106, get 34MHz The 34MHz slowdown happen up to FSB 112, on FSB 113 you get 113 - but it soon freeze, so she was flustrated and even more flustrated, when I managed to run 3 instances of new CPU-Z The board also like to freeze on modern CPU-Z, not just on pasting screenshot into mspaint ... Yes she sometimes bitch about "too much computers" or talking about computers too much, but on other hand, she even suggested buying something like Abit NF7S mobo, so she can play with overclock too...
  22. xxbassplayerxx - You are technicaly right, OP claims 1.23V: I given him some voltage bump to be sure things won't crash and cores won't downclock on load
  23. Yea, but I cannot submit the score no matter how hard I try yesterday. Todays it get easily thru: http://hwbot.org/submission/2992627_ ...but it still reporting bogus, see this thread: http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=146716 ... Well, it could be my bad then... I waited too long.
  24. At least it findout the bugses. I mean... why this score of 781h is rated same as havli? He got 950h, so... not exactly comparable. http://hwbot.org/submission/2992627_ (yes, in the morning I finally managed to submit it)
  25. Uhm... what? I was quite sure that I have time till the end of 30.9.2015 ... did I missed something?
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