That's true!
Killed one good CPU that way
I always load the board to defaults in bios and reboot on LNĀ².
If it say's 00 then I know it's safe to boot again on air.
Just tested 01 with one and 2 cores on Ivy Bridge.
Car low scores about 200 fps lower with one core compared with 2.
Other tests are about the same.
Anyone else tried this?
Seems like I killed HTT on Ivy Bridge.
No way I can do Wprime with this cpu 4C/8T.
Instant BSOD when trying.
Seems like the hyperthreading is borked, Wprime with 4C/4T is working ok.
Same problem as the post above
No troubles here with Maxiumus V and P8Z77-V.
Benched for about 5 hours with both cards full pot.
Sometimes hard locks on both boards, but could reboot.
Sometimes I do get 00 after a few hours, but I guess it's condensation at that time.