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Everything posted by Gamer

  1. Sorry, forgot I have a lightning. Isn't the bios limiting this?
  2. Use the MSI afterburner 2.1 + Voltage unlocker. Works great here. If you can't find them, give me a pm with your email.
  3. Same issue here, GTX 480 with MIVE and 3770k on Win7 64 with english version driver.
  4. He's just lacking the time for doing it. It will be fixed, just be patient.
  5. Nice! Time to set my 5970 on LN², hasn't been done much it seems.
  6. Another one for the closet....
  7. Don't know what happend, but it works again. Tried again today and got a 79 code on the board. After a bios reset she booted!! Gotta love her!
  8. He removed the label on that water bottle?
  9. Let's hope there is a functional reset CMOS button this time. It just killed my 6600 Wprime 3770k cpu.
  10. Benched this morning and everything went fine. Shut the system down but forgot to set the cpu speed back to stock settings. De-iced the card and motherboard. Cleared the bios several times an booted the system with another GPU. 6400mhz at 1.8v on air was the last thing ive seen on the screen. Unplugged the PSU asap and cleared the bios again several times. Now I only see an 00 code on the debug led and a quick reboot. My guess is the cpu is dead... Motherboard boots fine with a G530 CPU. Stupid me, although that bios reset button should have done his job from the start.
  11. Gamer

    GTX 480 Lightning.

    Found one, thanks!
  12. Nope, next up GTX275 Lightning SLI LN² I bought mine here : http://www.benl.ebay.be/itm/271188896894 It's actualy a bad score, had some troubles with the voltage on this card. Sometimes it can do 1250 mhz Nature, sometimes only on 1100mhz.
  13. I'm gonna have a busy week it seems, thanks all for making this happen!
  14. Gamer

    GTX 480 Lightning.

    GTX 480 Lightning needed. Benched on LN² or not, I don't care. Will do the same It's the last lightning I need for to complete my collection. Willing to ship to Belgium. Paypal of transfer. Thanks for looking.
  15. Max fsb achieved?
  16. I'll be 75 by then, could be possible....
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