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Everything posted by SoF

  1. Can't find options for that in the Z97-SOC bios
  2. perfect - thanks!
  3. Damn I really know sh1t about Ram-guys lol Just gonna get them a short test but need to clean my MVIE first from the unigine session...
  4. it has been tested on 2400 C8 but the kit as you see is the good old (and very rare) Quad Kit. I can't change title but usually I think people get what is on the table here...
  5. not sure if these are same quality, but I just set a fix price and lower is ok also...thanks for the hint
  6. Hi, need to make some room for christmas Antec TruePower Quattro 1200W PSU - comes with box, all cables, fully working, just grabbed a new power cord some days ago price: 110€ including shipping within europe DHL zone 1 G.Skill Pi Quad-Kit F3-12800CL6Q-8GBPI - got them for IvyBridge from websmile...something around 1200-1250 on air C8 w/o going crazy on voltage, never frozen, working fine sold! and some fans I could throw in the package for a few bucks if you take one of the two article above... 2x Bitfenix Spectre Pro LED white[/url] Enermax Magma 120mm (up to 3 available) 2x Bitfenix -> 10€ Enermax Magma 4€ a piece Gruß SoF
  7. u lucky boy Still re-running...can't believe this is so hard. Using Pentium and 580...maybe bad combo for consistent score?
  8. lulz My childhood just got ruined today after 8 hours relooping 05...
  9. Correct me if I'm wrong but stage rules say "Try to reach 30257 marks, but not higher." So: I have 30258 laying here and according to this -> no legit score
  10. Had 30258 two times now...more re-runs than XTU and Prime together - this stage starts to get out of control for me
  11. We all learn and maybe the rest of the field agrees not to hammer the server - if your name is listed more than twice within TOP10 submissions next sunday...u no cool
  12. We all said already what is wrong here - the major idea is so good it hurts to see it ruined by these kind of loopholes...do you followed this every sunday?
  13. Drinks? They better pay my flight to computex 2015! He will just pass out while drinking and not sure how much Marine can handle
  14. Europeans this morning when "entering" the Gigabyte Target Challenge Stage 2 one hour late due to wintertime (except Christian Ney ) €dit: oh yeah and very much this...
  15. So you may not take part when you won but help your buddy literally doing most of the stuff by yourself and win another stage - awesome!
  16. this has nothing to do with "fair play"...this is plain stupid result hammering...not a worthy winner! fantal1ty nailed it with one submission - that's how it should be! well done! as you can see in the list above it currently seems that result-hammering is allowed and even welcomed. In Stage 2 the winner submitted I think at least 15-20 results the minute BEFORE the competition is open - due to a lag and other requests you block the result-ids and therefore hopefully end up in front of the "honest" participants only using one score and sending it right in the second the competition starts. I questioned that already in stage one and kindly asked if we change the rules to "one target, one submission" but looks like some ppl. wanted to keep their advantage and bend the entire competition...
  17. Trick is to find a setting which gives .X5 numbers close to target score, like 2960,75 or 2970,45 - for me 102,3 x22 and then fine-adjust with XTU (afterwards close XTU because it takes 20 points from score) did the job. I could do the score within 5-10 minutes that way even after reboot. Some Bclock like 102,38 upwards to 102,8 or so will always be .x1 or .x2 or .x4 - so you never can match the score.
  18. Lol we had time-change here in europe so it seems I got up an our too late ^^
  19. It's perfect for gamers on a budget, but the GTX 960 will be even better regarding price/performance. If you want full performance and have some spare money - the GTX 980 is the way to go PS: the stock EVGA GTX 970 (not the overclocked or other SEs) only allows +37,5 mV additional Voltage while as other cards usually allow + 87,5 mV in nSpector. Just to let you know...
  20. what dinos said...
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