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Everything posted by Perica_barii

  1. Try to measure resistance , maybe you desolder resistor on witch you did mod....
  2. This one has wall at 5580, but it can do wprime1024 on 50 x 110.4bclk on ln2 ......Splave it depends on chip, mine like lower io voltage....
  3. Boot at 108.8 air done( testing it on 48x), 109.8 at ln2, 50x.... GPU not so good ...
  4. Monster clock for wprime 32m .....Congrats...
  5. Too bad Troufman, I was looking for after-party in your company...Massman will miss you also ....
  6. Congrats my friend, great score...Hope that you will find those extra points needed for WR....
  7. It will be interesting to test max bclk just from bios, lots of fun .....
  8. Problem is also that you cannot use Control center, will they provide us some tool to rise bclk from win, because boot at high bclk on Msi board will be impossible... rules: http://msi-moa.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=32&lang=en part regarding using Control center: For Task 1: SuperPI 32M, the CPU ratio will be fixed at most 50, and the software MSI Control Center cannot be installed and used. Judges will check this when soldiers submit their results.
  9. What does it mean, that we can use our gpu on contest? Home pretested ....
  10. Hope to find some time for this card, great score as always , nice to see you pushing the limits again
  11. Also for our region ( Serbia,Montenegro,Croatia,Slovenia) there were no qualification for place on EU finals ,so our only hope is to get to final directly through online contest. This is second year in row that MSI is not holding any qualification for those countries, hope that they will reconsider their decision after our winning hwbot online competition, and taking our place at finals.
  12. As I said before I am very sad to hear that someone losses his hardware during benching .I was hoping you to enter the competition,but bad lack with MB ...Huh what to say...Like to thank you all guys again and hope to meet you all in Taipei.My teammate Quake will join me and I hope that we all will have a great time there , and of-course do what we like the most OVERCLOCK....
  13. To bad it didn't show it's full potential. Hope that warming it up might help
  14. Great score , and great skills showed.Congrats on WR....
  15. I am always sad to hear someone loose their hardware on benching. But you are real amazing in 3D and as I said before it was great honor to compete with you guys.
  16. I 'd like to thank you all , it was great honor to compete with you guys.I have a little bit of luck to have CPU that does 110+ bclk.Like to point out great scores of meanmachine in 2D tests, and massive one from Tolsty and Cyclone in 3Dmark11 (real 3dmark11 Masters). Also like to thanks to all my friends that helped me to give my best....
  17. I just have luck with cpu ( one that is better didn't go over 108.8 the other went 110+)...You showed real knowledge at 3D , with better cpu I am sure that you will win...I got mine fat pot not long ago and have so little time to play with cards(got two).I did loose few runs at 1610/1300 at the end ,when loading combined test but that is far from your gpu clocks.It was my honor to compete with you guys.
  18. That is even better....I may say that you are the real 3dmasters.....
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