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Eeky NoX

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Everything posted by Eeky NoX

  1. Hello all, My question is simple: I tried to put my 2600K under Single Stage this week end with the UD7-B3 (bios: F3h) Everything was ok at stock frequency and voltage, but issues appeared rising the vCore over 1.5v I tried to set multi from x34 to x40 easely but over it was a pain in the "ice" ... though tested one by one to max out at x46. When I can reach x56 stable (1.65v) under water and 5.486G max (x55) So is there something I missed or is it just the SB lottery which gave me the bad number ? In advance, thank you
  2. Great job Dinos 01 battle continue... but Vince is lurking haha!!
  3. Yup that's Ballistix Tracer 16fd17 something like that. I can rise a bit again bit doesn't really improve a lot over this voltage. It's becoming difficult to run Spi at this range but 1M @700 is reachable... for 32M I'm sure I'd need too loose timings UD3P is the only P45 mobo I get over 666. Noway Chris, I keep them
  4. Wanna mines ? http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1794500 (D9 gmh with 2.6v) But you need the mobo to match with them
  5. Hye Sweet. Of course I know, don't worry about that. That was almost my best score but easy to do next session on the week end. (with a bigger screen lol) To answer your question Mean Machine is a Nordic Hardware member who generally use to be a bit trash in his purposes But not a bad guy tbh. Again thank you for your advises Chris.
  6. Why? Cus he's kind with you ? I pretend to be a friend of MeanMachine you know ^^ And I'm not going to make trouble about Sweet to have blocked my 01 run tonite also We're all doing our best ! Nice work btw Chris!!
  7. Rofl and me feel like an OPB tonight with my screen resolution failure... I'll never bench 3D on this Samsung anymore!!! All appologise to those who report any of my submissions I'm gonna bench again all of this shi(f)t and improve of course.
  8. It's ok Sweet blocked it Chris, but I'm thinking about to open a thread about such issue of benchmarks which don't make you notice your screen is too small... I never figured this out before, damn!
  9. Hye Karl. It take it seriously of course. I need to digg all my submissions to see which are legit or not Sorry (and for me at 1st ^^)I did'nt took attention of this rule before. mea culpa
  10. Merci de ton soutien Chris ^^ J'y ferai attention la prochaine fois... I'm lazy but not a cheater
  11. I agree with the moderation about the lack of visible resulution... sorry my screen isn't that big I'll give another shot next week end np
  12. Guess the number "seven" isn't your lucky one After looking a bit deeper it's not such clean work, you need some math lessons ^^
  13. SoF whaaaaat !! lol so true mate keep cool buddies
  14. To all contestants in here, keep on being serious please, competition and fairplay are the main words (don't be kids, don't be stupid sss!) @Massman: it's becoming a parody now... I'm sorry you have to endure all of that in a such moment man...
  15. If it's a fotochoped SS it's kinda WR there ...poor guy you don't have better game to play ? justpathetic... (ban 'n byebye!)
  16. It's part of the game true, even if I'm a little bit too far from my teammates ...again Benching alone is the story of my life....*sad*
  17. I use to... sometimes In fact that's b/c we're in a recruiting phase atmo, aiming exclusively people over 500boints
  18. No need man, join us
  19. Simply AWESOME!! Congratz bros @Hondacity: did you ever tried to drink your beer while recording ? (am I wrong Xyala ? ^^)
  20. Stop diggin dudes not on XP ofc... deserves to be checked on the right OS imho
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