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Eeky NoX

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Everything posted by Eeky NoX

  1. You're right both but it ain't a debate on Ocing phylosophy in here... we all play together at last
  2. I'd like to see the total of hardware points in the personal page... not only the best scores total
  3. Lot of Ocers are too, but ain't an excuse imho. Even if a session is bad you need to take over yourself or the hardware...
  4. Nice job Chris. TiN should be shakin by now Can't wait to see your futur Ney's Edition Zombies !
  5. Agree with your list Chris. Seems to be issues with filters : Hardware Masters League's Filter rankings don't work Btw another filter by team would be nice because I don't see all hw pts even in the personal profile... Edit: The submissions page area is awefull... scroll, scroll and scroll again :'( It was better by list... Mandatory field "*" missing in the submission sheats
  6. Rev4 keeps Petri with us !! Houraaaaaaaaaahh!! \o/ Keep pushing dude
  7. I'm sure I beat SoF ! I gat THE pot !!
  8. Awesome job here !! Congratz Not so much pts for a such record...
  9. Damn! I was just about to report some suspicious 3Dmark99 runs Well I'm checking the submission's page. 1st: great effort on the new database sheat wow ! tons of infos to write ^^ (nice tips in the popups too) One thing to notice, it's a bit confusing here with batch infos between memory and boards : Could it be possible to put the boards revisions here too ? Nice improvement btw.
  10. What? For real ? I don't think it's a good idea... I only keep my best results
  11. It's the same for team member's list too I suppose ? Edit: There's issues in the country's list when you click on the "next 20" button it kicks the country filter Than you need to choose another country and choose again the one you want to see this next page.
  12. Btw you're not in that league mate Interesting we can't compete in it if we did submissons under cold though?
  13. Stylish picture But uh! crazy gheto cooling from Sam up ahead oO I should say INSANE !
  14. No sub details!! Ban Christian !! It's a shame that we can still have to chase such cheaters... lame attitude!
  15. You're rough Jonas But I admit it's quite resembling... (metaphorically speeking ^^)
  16. Agree with you about that board. I have strange scores with it, especially 03
  17. Rofl EPIC thread !! Priceless Vivi
  18. Si c'est pas beau ça Belle perf les mecs Bravo !!
  19. I'm sure it's cus he knows/guess that the card won't grow back in your garden bro
  20. Meat Loop ? isn't it a rock 'n roll group ? I'm waiting to see you cooking eggs on a 990x Chris
  21. Hamburger cooling ?? oO OMG ya sick Chris
  22. Sure Chiller "sure" Of course ! It isn't even a warm up ^^
  23. You become rude men... I gat fotowchop skillz but always feel frustrated to not exploit my talent (who's talking about backgrounds ???)
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