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Eeky NoX

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Everything posted by Eeky NoX

  1. Tried twice Hope so much really.
  2. Something like Sandy Quintessence comes to my mind Great !
  3. Is it a joke ? where are the last 22mhz ? Great job smoke Nice chip there!
  4. You're posts don't count versus Petri's Each SF3D's post = 500 Christian Neys's post - Each SF3D's score = ??? x Christian Neys's scores... To return at the subject of the thread, I agree, Asus is nice for gaming
  5. It should be enough tbh Are you pointing the three other guy in this thread here ? ^^ Fa sure mate! Edit: Well said Hyperhorn
  6. You're complaisant Hondacity Easy to prove Massman: use the 240l only on Asus mobos ^^
  7. It's partly of a joke from some of them you know... personnaly I don't hate neither but dissapointed by many boards/bios Edit: +1 Chris ^^ me: A8N-E P5N32-Sli Se Deluxe P5N32-E Sli Commando Maximus II Formula
  8. Ok thanks Chris
  9. Up! Hye. I would like to know why our team have no achievement unlocked yet please ? ---> http://hwbot.org/community/team/klan_oc?tab=achievements Thank you.
  10. No AM2 can reach this and just a few P45 imho as I told you... It's common with UD3+D9s+volts Nothing exceptional here, but DONE ^^ (700 club with 2 or 3 years late lol) Edit: imo the limit with D9s (especially gmh) is more an affair of mobo/bios than ICs
  11. Check this out bro The last screenie of my D9s I want to share with you...
  12. Feel happy, imagine having x56 multi and noway to use it with a real bclk... my first sample but strange behavior under SS ><
  13. You tried to hear me ? I'm not at home, must wait the week end to be back for buisness
  14. Another point coming to my mind: Could it be the insulation that makes trouble ? I mean, the socket is surrounded with gum from the CPU to the caps. So could it be something covered which shouldn't ?
  15. Don't be so modest, you can be proud Dino... Gratz for this awesome job !
  16. Rofl je l'avais zappé ^^ Nan c'est l'affiche du film Bronson un géglingo, le plus coûteux des prisonniers du Royaume Uni ;)

  17. Good one Calathea But we don't see that much 2500K that high yet compared to 2600K. Oh! sorry to hear that, really Enjoy the best you can on that session though ! I like this platform too (only SS+E8600+UD3P+D9s but great fun for me...)
  18. Is it a postponed challenge request here Hollywood ? Someone to shoot over 6,6G again ? Who's next ? ...
  19. That's pretty close to what I tried, but not so smoothy on vCore I agree. Thank you for the advice Dino, appreciate that mate Admitting I'll give another try (not sure), what vCore I should'nt go over ? 1.70/1.75v ? And, other point: if (atmo under water) I can partially post with x57 does it mean that I could get it if the above trick works ?
  20. I can't ET6 is totally bugged when the option is enabled in bios... I tried whatever I know during hours before I gave up.
  21. Maybe golden ones ? not sure another kit could do it... nice demo btw
  22. Yeah sure, exactly the same settings as under water But as for exemple the mobo's probe is stuck at -10°C on cores If i try to rise the multi over x46, it bugs and returns to deafault (x34) reactivating 4cores and HT -___- Edit: I know Chris but I'm frustrated and don't have a modular SS ^^
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