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Eeky NoX

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Everything posted by Eeky NoX

  1. JEEEZZZ!! How can you plug them Petri ? Why this much ? Could you explain it to a novice plz
  2. LOL Jonas I feel sceptical too... 1 PSU for each card OK, but ? the 4th one ??? what for ? Fans ?
  3. Awesome run Bill ;P Nice chip you gat there, hope you'll find a way to fix your nature's issues
  4. First on air if you know of course, but yeah give us some numbers (I should go under SS only btw ... )
  5. Hola mate ! Don't know anything but that mine seems to be the black PCB one or the brown ...but with inscriptions on caps I'm sure. Benching around 920/1200 and 950/1250 max on air with 1.15v Any differences between their way of scaling atmo ?
  6. IWH... sadly Just pathetic, both side
  7. I'm about to make you score again mate I can assure it's quite low lol
  8. Ce que tu dis est assez sensé en effet... mais ne communique pas en français avec MeanMachine il y pige keud
  9. Who talk about bred here ? You wanna mean something else I'm sure Jonas @Ctrlfix: On débug que si vous revenez dans la team ^^ Si c'est ce que j'ai présumé plus haut ça risque de poser des soucis récurrents n’empêche
  10. Ce bug intervient au moment on quitte ou change d'équipe je crois bien. C'est une punition !! lol Nan je vanne, mais regarde _0Cool_ il est dans le même cas que toi je crois bien Ballot comme bug...
  11. Some people make so much efforts to waste their time Karl... Chris is a killer Hilarous !!
  12. Wheels? rofl!! you made my day Chris
  13. Same here, too difficult to moderate accurately for sure. Sorry for old PCM05s benchers, big loss for them I can figure it out
  14. Rofl you so empressed man, don't you know what bckup is ? ^^ You rule yeah, great job !!
  15. You rock dude !! Lot of congratulations well deserved for a great bencher. Keep up the good work Honda
  16. Incompatibilité de la 2e CG avec le NF200 de la P67 UD7... Je passais le CPU sous DOD et j'ai voulu voir ce que ça donnait en désactivant le NF200. Faut que je teste ça sur P67 c'est tout
  17. Could you tell me where is the joke man ? oO
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