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Everything posted by Lays

  1. On microcenter's return policy it says it must be in "new condition" which means I couldn't open the box, right? Also for amazon's return policy it says this: http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/sp.html?s=A2X611LEQI9ZC1&mp=&oid=&t=returns • CPU / Memory / Refurbished Products All OEM Processors, Memory, and refurbished computer products carry a 7 day refund policy. • Non-Returnable Items Due to manufacturer's policies, Skque Products cannot accept refunds or returns on All Software, Cell Phones, Game Titles, Retail Boxed Processors, Notebooks, Blank Media and Blank Cartridges, Camcorders, Printer Cartridges, Notebook Batteries, Liquid Cooling Products, Minolta, QMS, Cisco, IBM, Sony, Intel, Tektronix, NEC and Hewlett Packard products. Defective merchandise can be returned to the manufacturer directly. Wouldn't that mean me buying a retail boxed 5820k, I can't return it?
  2. Out of curiosity, what would my reason for returning them be? That I'm just not happy with the performance, or something like that?
  3. Sorry I may not have been clear, I meant what method do I do to get the chips. I know the part about testing the chip, just not how to go about getting chips without losing lots of cash from returning them or selling the bad ones.
  4. Somewhat new here, hi everyone. Had a question, how do I go about binning? I live near a Fry's electronics, do I just continuously buy, test, return until I get a good chip? Are there better ways of doing this? CPU in question will be a 5820k. (I know I can buy from silicon lottery, but I have limited funds, and the CPU I'd like from him costs to much for it to make sense for me when I could in theory do it at Fry's)
  5. Lays

    Achievements bugged?

    I did that, should it say " x amount of submissions recalculated, 0 achievements checked"? I double checked on my profile after, all those achievements I mentioned were bugged are still bugged. I'll wait awhile and see if it just takes awhile to update I guess.
  6. Hello, I'm somewhat new to HWBOT, but I noticed I have 24 MSI mainboard submissions, but the achievement only says I have 16? I thought maybe it would just take a while to update, but it's been like 1 or 2 weeks now. There's also an achievement called "receive one golden cup" and I have 4, yet the submission isn't unlocked, and also another one called "receive 10 medals / cups" and I have 12, that isn't unlocked either. Same thing for points contributed to teams, have 360 or something like that, none of them are unlocked. If someone could help me fix it, or let me know if I did something wrong that'd be great! Thanks!
  7. Thanks @Massman I fixed it with updating OpenCL! Now I can re-test with my OC and get tons of points
  8. Not the newest openCL I don't think, I will update to those and try again. I was using 64 bit yes.
  9. My submission is messed up for some reason, I don't know why I can't run it properly, I'm getting WAY slower speeds than other people, even at higher clocks.
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