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Everything posted by Lays

  1. Looking to get $425 shipped, I also have a waterblock for it if you're interested I can include that for $80 extra and an extra 10 or so dollars for shipping. It will come with original box as well as a backplate (normally doesn't come with backplate if I remember right) The card overclocks well on water, decent on air too, 8712 mem on stock cooler is no big deal for benchmarking at all, around 8400 to 8600 should be easy for 24/7 gaming no problem. The core should do 1580 on air for benching, game stable should be around 1550-1560, maybe a tad higher. Never tested much on air because I bought it with a waterblock. Card is capable of 1620 on water at stock volts, adding voltage didn't seem to have much of an effect on ambient cooling, this seems to be a flaw of Maxwell that many people have experienced. Stock voltage for the GPU is 1.23v under load, measured with a digital multimeter. Memory has gone as high as 9312 effective in a firestrike run with added memory voltage, stock memory volts are 1.63v roughly and it does 8712-8760 or so mhz effective at that stock voltage. Card really responds well to being kept cold, if you can get load temps really low it will treat you well just like it did for me! Pics: http://imgur.com/a/WVMju Feel free to PM me if you have any questions, I will do my best to help / answer any questions you may have.
  2. Do you happen to have a link for that plasti dip in a can? I may buy some too, it looks a bit easier using that to just spray on the back of my board vs having to insulate it everytime & use insulation foam under the board.
  3. So you tape the CPU down around the socket basically, then put retention plate down, then eraser everything?
  4. I didn't spread before putting the pot on, just a dab in the middle then I wiped the excess off on the IHS. This is the picture of when I took the pot off, so it seemed like it spread OK?
  5. I don't think core and IHS was problem because I was using this same mount with my waterblock before I took block off to put the insulation & pot on. Do you know what types of temps I SHOULD be seeing with full pot and 1.55vcore?
  6. Grizzly under IHS and on IHS
  7. I didn't actually make a foam cut out, just strips that I surrounded the pot with, so idk. I think maybe I didn't get the eraser around IHS low enough to allow full contact maybe, or maybe I wasn't using the write screw holes in the hold-down plate or backplate.
  8. CPU temp at idle was 29c when pot was 26c, then at load it was about 56c with empty pot when pot was 26c as well.
  9. So I bought an Ln2 pot recently so I could do some extreme overclocking, here are some pics and results! This was my first time, and I think I got a bad mount, because CPU was still hitting 30-40c load temps with pot @ -60 Celsius. I will try again soon, I've gotta get the mount right next time to get better results for sure. I want to thank @ProKoN , @rtsurfer and @Jumper118 for helping me out with the prep and little tips here and there, appreciate it a lot guys. I think I did something wrong, because CPU temps were still going positive temps (are they supposed to do this...?) Big XTU run at 5.3 ghz on CPU, 5.2 on cache, and 2800 mhz CL9 on RAM! You can see cpu hit 39c load temp, yet pot was at -60c, so I believe bad mount for sure. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02mJV3GTmFQ
  10. really think bad mount, pot stays -60c or so but cpu goes to like 30c load
  11. Last I heard Planetside 2 was an unoptimized CPU intensive game, that's probably your issue. Go try other games if possible, like BF4 / Crysis 3 etc.
  12. Hey everyone, I was wondering if anyone else felt the same way about this suggestion below: I think it'd be a really good idea to include a "WR" icon, or "Global 1st" / "Global 2nd" / "Global 3" next to submissions when you search for hardware. For instance, if you search "Z170 OC Formula" and then view the results, wouldn't it be amazing if it said what place the submissions were? I feel like having the hardware results like that would greatly increase usability of the hardware searches, because then you could instantly see right away how many records the product had, or if it had any at all. This would greatly improve being able to compare motherboards and products from different manufacturers!
  13. I set the first place SNAPDRAGON S4 PRO APQ8064 1512MHZ record by quite a big margin, but my score never saved. I took a screenshot, is there any way I can get the result back? I had to stick my Nexus 7 in the freezer to get this, I'd rather not do it again because I may damage it lol. Or perhaps just take my old submission and update it to the new score? Picture: When i try to rerun it at stock, it still gives me the message saying my best score was 2915 Is there a data file saved somewhere? Previous submission: http://hwbot.org/submission/3007455
  14. Wow! Epic, I wonder if any more 2 DIMM slot boards will be released?
  15. Aw ok. I am saving up to make the switch to z170 soon, but first I want to replace my 980 Best of luck buddy!
  16. Efficiency testing or is this for a competition? I need to be more active on competitions, I am falling behind in points slowly from other ppl in novice
  17. is BCLK not unlocked like everyone was talking about?
  18. Could someone possibly give me a quote on my 980 Classified + EK Waterblock? Block is the full-cover nickel and acetal. Or at least an idea? I was thinking $500-$550, is that a decent price for the block & card? ( I also have stock cooler, original box + EVGA backplate) Card overclocks really well on water, results all at stock voltage ( 1.23v with DMM ) Memory volts were added in the firestrike test, effective memory was 9312 mhz in firestrike Card was at 1609 mhz in this pic: Thanks for any help I can get
  19. Lays

    [FS] Two Tek-9 FAT

    Is there any way you'd take PayPal?
  20. I don't have the OCF but I have the SOC Force from Gigabyte, I noticed I could not get 2800 CL9 to work whatsoever on my TridentX kit in the black slots (the ones closest to the CPU) I switched to the orange slots, first try instantly booted, got RTL's tightened down and all secondary and tertiary's as well. I was extremely mad at the time because I had been trying to use the closer slots for ages trying to get 2800 CL9 to work, and first try in the orange slots it posted like no big deal at all lol.
  21. By EVC do you mean external voltage control? Is that the MSI PCB thing I keep seeing in pictures, or is that the thing Elmor made? I thought that wasn't available to the public?
  22. This just in! Devil's Lake CPU's now with double the thickness and twice the TIM!
  23. this CPU sucks so bad, I see others doing this same speed on 32m at like 1.35v or less all the time CPU doesn't seem to want to do 5100 @ same volts (1.55v) Still need to fine tune some more and try to get better effiency. Will do some more tmrow
  24. On windows 8.1, no cuts or anything like that. Every other benchmark I've ever done works 100% fine as well as my daily use works OK. It seems to be ONLY 3dmark 05 and 06 that are messed up. Do you happen to know what the current version of the benchmark is? I got it from the download links on HWBOT.
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