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Everything posted by Vivi

  1. no idea man if it does low v 5ghz it could be good
  2. ok on my side, seems it works again when you install on the right XP, will try a normal XP corp SP2 tonight. dont update to sys info 4.2 though, that broke my 3dmarks perf every time. Just use the installer 1901 and use the right xp . All these shaved XP's are missing some component
  3. ooh nice find man, extra warm chip + low CB is excellent combination.
  4. 316 was terrrible for us sebro, we didnt find any 5ghz, you got a lovely cpu there lets hope it scales!
  5. I didnt try win7 06, only win7 05 and it seemed fine but could be wrong. What is causing sys info to suck so much resources
  6. Hey guys! I dont know how to get rid of this problem... can ayone assist? For 3dmark03 / 05 / 06 in windows XP, i get terrible CPU test and effects GPU tests too. I use Gigabyte Z87X-OC but same problem on asrock. 4770k and Titan, also tried GTS 250 with same issue. what happens: I open 3Dmark03/05/06. there are alot of FMIscan.exe in task manager. When i run bench my score sucks, when i close all the fmiscans i get propper normal scoring. Obviously i cannot close fmi scan for valid result, so need to sort it out. I tried: 2 different Xp 32bit. SP3 on both. different .NET versions, bunch of bios settings, 3 different nvidia drivers, bunch of nvidia settings. Seems to be more related to CPU than gpu tho, cause it effects cpu tests the most. and if i set affinity to 1 on the fmi scan i get tiny bit better scoring but still terrible. i also installed the new system info with no help. any ideas???
  7. ooh! In XP i can run 03 at 6.5, in win7 i can run aqua at 6400 and VERY hard to pass 6430, so same as JJJC we losing 100 mhz in win7. Something is up! I did notice my cpu take heavy strain on nature in 01SE xp when i OC'ed the titan past 1500, like there was some serious communication going on between the lanes. My F1 DARK with all that copper became hard to keep the cpu temp stable, had to double up my splashes! (imagine i was still on gemini) So maybe SLI just amplifies that? maybe the PLX boards are better choice? or like terra said PWM freq. i always thought my chip couldnt run 6.5 3d, but i dropped my uncore from 6000 to 5500 then it ran easy, and 5700 was doable but close to limits and instant shutdown. Changing memory divider didnt do anything so i think the IMC is strong enough on this chip for samsung. leeg try change the input volt frequeny plane shift settings (cant remember the exact names) but i believe i got better cb with it shifted +5 units or so. Haswel is such a give or take CPU. if your CB is -100 and you go from 1.5v to 1.6v you might start cb'ing at -95, or if you add uncore, or if you add uncore volts, or if you OC gpu, its like the cb gets worse the more stuff going thru the PWM of the cpu. i had success getting better cb by lowering PCH / VIOA / VIOD volts. my vioa gets -.05v already haha haswell is a fickle misstress
  8. Thanks guys! Dancop its there by the i/o ports . Got a lightning bolt on it. Yes sniperoz its still reference pcb!
  9. you must edit your submission to say 1855! nice clocks dude! we gonna have a nice battle at MOA . its sad that we cant play with 1900 memory... your score would be well in 7k then
  10. Sounds cool! Ill volunteer as tribute
  11. not really sure, i had one, but didnt try any on ln2, my guess is it wont scale, but there was a guy who had a l313b9xx that scaled, but very rare occurance
  12. these low v chips dont scale with more volts, they just hit the nice mhz sooner at lower V. its this damn -125 temp we struggling with. if it was full pot then the low v chips would rule the scene
  13. hmm 1.31v boot 5g should mean its stable 32m, but if it isnt it might be uncore / memory? maybe one of the cores are wonky, try 1 core? Sure it could totally still be 6.4 pifast chip
  14. this error has happened to me too before. i've managed to get it back by bios flash and messing around with memories but ive read online of people who never got it back, lets hope you do. If all else fails turn your screen up side down to get x63 back
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