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Everything posted by Vivi

  1. 6.7's Everywhere! Wellplayed mr Mass
  2. He is sarcastic yes, selling a golden CPU to a team mate or friend to enter the same contest might be "legal" but un-sportsmanship like. I think that answers the question? help massman
  3. excelllennnt! Razor blade here i come
  4. Thanks dude! You just answered the biggest question, to remove or not remove. I think yes
  5. i agree splave.. lol. Then there are no limits on sharing, just submit and work together
  6. true, but still doesn't stand a chance logically vs a 7970 Because of it's tessellation tweak, you would literally need 1850+ core like vince to win with 680
  7. lool splave. Poor rommie I have a feeling this EMEA is gonna be a lot like last time, super insano sick scores all over the place. Im buying my 1st 3770k next week, and with my luck it will probly be in the 7.1 - 7.3ghz range 3d stable.
  8. perica was same issue with America stage, results only started popping up a little later. im sure massman is on it!
  9. Opening DAMN STRONG! Congrats my friend, i will be joining this comp soon
  10. Now i'm conflicted inside, want a 680 so badly!
  11. perica you can start! it started! Dejan im pretty sure its for anyone who enters
  12. i agree with sember if you share components it will be with the person you want with you anyway right? So you can submit as 1 person if i had a golden GPU and share it with 2 other dudes, that would mean 3 good scores, and possibly 6 of us going because of 1 golden item. But i agree with james on the Mobo part, mobo is a mobo o_o. Is south africa part of EMEA? probly? Cause we straight down the line also on GMT+2. But for GOOC we are APAC
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