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Everything posted by Vivi

  1. Hi guys! I'm making a quick video on MSI components and MOA. Can anyone fill me in on who is already in the finals? Thanks! Rbauss - ??? Splave - romdominance Gnidaol - OverHeat Xtreme addict - Piwor ryba - ??? smoke - slamms tolsty - cyclone Aristidis - Steleras Monstru - Matose 4 from APAC 3 from loc 16 teams total 32 oc'ers?
  2. oooh here comes the Gyrock! Great score ! Keep it coming
  3. sell me your PSC then when you done ^^
  4. geobot go rename your aquamark to "aqua" or anything OTHER than aquamark3.exe. OR if you are on newer nvidia card / drivers you must go do the D3D thing in nvidia inspector
  5. i always used 1.82v NB. Why so scared??
  6. omgosh. i wanna do something fun too!
  7. hey froxic, it depends on your CPU. You can in no way compare memory clocks vs AMD systems, amd systems are just too good at it. With ivy you need to see what your cpu can do max. Some cpu's cant even reach 1300. but 1200 or 1250 should be ok. Once you hit your memory MHZ limit go mess around with timings. It's not your kit at all, maybe try different CPU'S
  8. i can set my 2600 XMP profile for my teams and they boot just fine on this UD5H. Can even go to 2700 on the same timings and XMP and same volts. Maybe i have nice CPU imc or something?
  9. I'm getting Q822A435 next
  10. Looks legit! I like it.
  11. I like the attention im getting, more than the actual winners the lucky draw prize is the hardest to win!
  12. Results are up at Tech Powerup! Lucky draw baby! lol! http://www.techpowerup.com/167969/MSI-HD-7970-Lightning-Graphics-Card-Breaks-3DMark-World-Records-8-Consecutive-Times.html
  13. that mem! and that CPU! well done dude
  14. rofl guys. It's semi golden pro! This is my 1st cpu, and my 3rd was 6.6pi but that was for DRweez . My 4th buy will be a cpu from the gods 7ghz+. Fester not those handy's ^^. maybe if you make it to moa
  15. same splave.... i've been 2c/2thearding it . Next run im gonna test 1core 2 core 3 core 4 core before i make my judgement
  16. nice verification url! Sweet score man now push that 580 on LN2!
  17. Drweez 6.6 superpi chip and 6.5 3D chip is also 3218Cxxx Xtreme Addict had a 6.7 32m chip 3218Cxxx can we call this a batch to hunt for?
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