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Everything posted by BenchBros

  1. Ok thanks for info - because I have same OCP behavior and my card have old VRM FW
  2. Yes Elmor already send me the evc OCP version some weeks ago but it didnt work. I also followed your thread in the forum... OCP is disabled with LN2 BIOS - I think its not only OCP but also another problem why card shuts down. Preventing card from shutting down will burn VRM I think. Burning VRM will always risk GPU, so I decided for me to swap to epower to not risk very good core.
  3. Same OCP issue here around 1,45V idle and 1,4V load... tried many many things with EVC and stuff but nothing helps. I will now epowering my card because 1700 was stable on 1,38V load so it seems to be worth the mod.
  4. NICE!!! 222k with card on air... Looking forward for some serious LN2 scores
  5. Is voltage adjustment fine on EPOWER? Where are the soldering points? I want to replace evBot - or let me say I dont want to buy one :-p
  6. eek O_o Crazy!!!! ABX clock range maxed out - card maxed out? Any information about measured vgpu and temp? Do you have some air/water results?
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