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Everything posted by flanker

  1. nice, also solid memory freuqency and timings, cold helped to IMC?
  2. win10 PS: i propably can run 6 GHz 32M with AIO on my 7950X (with SMT enabled), but I do not know what happens with more tight timings on CPU clocks stability (now I have decent stable RAM and boost up to 5975 MHz for best single core)
  3. wow, awesome score and clocks for the monster
  4. very nice score. Nice a little atypical 36 core :)
  5. wow, thats sick for 24 core! Much higher than 13900 at much higher frequency (power of P-cores only!)
  6. 5460 MHz on 56-cores? Or only some cores can hold so high clocks? I hope, we will see video from Roman or Massman later :)
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