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Everything posted by NoMS

  1. Jonny ta letal com essa mobo agora
  2. Ticket ID: 1579 Priority: Medium Please add i5 3317U:\r\n\r\nhttp://ark.intel.com/products/65707\r\n\r\nThanks
  3. Nice! Just for curiosity sake, how well (or not ) it scores on vantage cpu test?
  4. lol @ 32 cpu's... Fix the CPU Number dude, you have 1x CPU with 4 cores / 8 threads not 8x CPU's EDIT: Reparei agora que é do Brasil tb... Arruma o número de CPU's ai cara, vc colocou que ta rodando com 8 CPU's.
  5. @Christian Ney, Yes, that's the max using air cooling... No more backups from my side for the moment.
  6. Well done! And nice "custom" Part Number...
  7. Thanks Raul. This CPU was horrible! Runs pi 1m @ 6GHz 1.83V, 3d 5.8~5.85GHz. Quite low vcore because it simply doesn't scale with moar volts... At least it doesn't have CB or CBB
  8. It's only my impression or everyone (including myself) are sandbagging or keeping backups on DDR2 stage?
  9. Até que essa jocinha subiu bem rs Roda o resto dos benchs nele, legal pra comparar com o K6-2+
  10. Boa cara! Se fizer os tweaks do WME9, IE9 e o do bob80 passa de 32k com facilidade com essa máquina. Da uma olhada no tópico com os tweaks: http://www.hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=37447
  11. Renomeie o executável do Aquamark (do benchmark e não do launcher) para qualquer outra coisa como por exemplo "Crysis.exe" e dai rode o benchmark (o launcher vai pedir pra vc apontar o caminho desse executável que você renomeou).
  12. Thanks guys! @Hyperhorn: Yeah, i have plans to go subzero (DICE) with this ram, only need time and a ram pot (ghetto rlz ).
  13. Ele abriu o HWBOT em PC com algum virus e deu nisso ai...
  14. 2.6v, but still has a lot of headroom with those volts...
  15. LOL bro, i think u got some viruses, spywares or any other digital plague on your pc...
  16. Yeah, this card is quite good! only 1.8V vgpu / 3.05V vram for these clocks. Just need an good Conroe now...
  17. Probably he is using a screen who doesn't support 1280x1024 since the resolution used in his desktop is 1366x768... I will remove this result and ask him to take more care with this next time.
  18. I think up to 1.55V on air is quite safe, at least i never managed to kill any motherboard with those chipsets using a voltage like this on NB. (my little Biostar was killed by an "water leakage" during bench)
  19. Your Giga is nothing less than amazing!!! I didn't have lucky with those IGP's, my Biostar TA785GE (R.I.P ) does 1080 1.55V on HD4200, not that great... I will change the thermal paste of the NB heatsink, if i'm not mistaken, i never have replaced on this card and it's quite "old" (4 years) so is probably to get moar MHz only doing this
  20. Thanks Beep. A pity that NB voltage won't go above 1.5V on this board so the IGP is limited to < 1000MHz... Need to vmod this thing.
  21. You need to ask them to include your processor in database. Just open a ticket on helpcenter and your problem will be solved soon. http://hwbot.org/forum/helpcenter.php
  22. Ticket ID: 1549 Priority: Low Please add GeForce GTX675M\r\nhttp://www.nvidia.com.br/object/geforce-gtx-675m-br.html\r\n\r\nThanks!
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