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Everything posted by FatBoyNotSoSlim

  1. Bug in the code. For the submissions page, where they pull in the forum comments, you can use BBCODE to show images, format text etc. Using tags in lowercase do not show images on the submissions page, one must use . This might also apply to other tags needing to be uppercase.
  2. Did you guys end up ordering a dozen each?
  3. Cheers. Take a look at this for PushBullet, which would be handy to subscribe to (as an end user) https://www.pushbullet.com/my-channel
  4. Oh look, new MOA is happening at Computex, just got my email, check ocesports.io... announced like two days ago. To fix this, can I suggest we move away from emails, and look at some other methods? RSS Feed, Pushbullet notifications, etc.? Actually, RSS feed on all the comps would be ace, I can feed that into ifttt.com and make my own notifications.
  5. That's why I prefer to not learn what RTL and other ram things mean. Corsair Plat Doms, XMP Profile, job done.
  6. I was under the impression that Russia was ethnically cleansed to be this way?
  7. Target number also changed if it was indeed guessed earlier?
  8. Yeah, I'm not sure either. My daily gaming pc had no issues running it, on fully patched Win7 64bit Ultimate. My base bench os, was Win7 sp1 enterprise, wouldn't work. Eventually got it working somehow, imaged right away at that point for a new base os. But yeah, for most of 2014 I did no XTU because it just wouldn't run at all for me.
  9. Xtu is one of those benches that are a real pia to even get working. I couldn't get it working for over a year from laziness of not figuring out why. In the end for me, it was due to my "base" os being stock win7. Iirc, it needed some random ms updates to get working. That's on top of upto date intel management drivers. So give a fully updated windows is a shot.
  10. Please add the favicon from the main site, into the subdomain for the forums. I browse favourites with no names, and need the favicon to tell me what's what; And the current, default vb one, when it could be this one like the main site: or even slightly different if needed to differentiate the two.
  11. Please take the favicon from the main site, and apply it to the sub domain of the forums.
  12. Request: Batch upload facility, like that used in comps, for when the hardware and photos are static, it's just the score + screenshot changing, case in point, the latest Gigabyte competition;
  13. Emails. I'm not sure if this is a Rev6 thing, or HWbot in general. I just got a new email today that theres a ROG competion happening. Awesome. Check the website, it started 5 days ago. WTF. Could we maybe have an email when an event is created, or started, not a week after the fact? This isn't limited to this one event, all emails from oc/hwbot are days/week after the fact for notification of new competitions.
  14. top kek, many rofls had.
  15. Well my last mount was under 3c delta, let's test my mounting again.
  16. Me learn to mount!!? You taught me how2mount!
  17. Mount confirmed as junk. G3258 mount was a 2.5C Delta and responsive, so I'll need to revisit this one.
  18. Yeah, was a pretty shit mount TBH. I'm revisiting my G3258 tonight and will work on it then.
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