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Everything posted by FatBoyNotSoSlim

  1. Server outage fixed the issue. I got 20+ emails all dated from June a few hours ago. Stuck in the mailqueue?
  2. Something like that, yeah. Also, how many is too many G3258s?
  3. Thanks. Lines up perfectly with my last ever university exams that I've deferred for about 3 years now, preventing me from getting my degree.
  4. My current state of feels:
  5. Note to self; Just buy a motherboard from each vendor in order to enter ALL THE COMPETITIONS.
  6. BAHAHAHAHA. Luckily it's only for memory overclocking... ain't got no time for dat.
  7. Nice to know. Will give it a run soon, in order to try adn clean sweep the points
  8. Will give it a shot. Was still under the impression that Windows 8 was banned for thew majority of benches, but sure enough, rules for XTU allow it. *shrugs*
  9. I wish I knew how to get XTU to work, because without it, I won't have a clean sweep.
  10. This picture reminds me I need to get light bars for my dom plats. Should be good for a few extra mhz out of the ram, or so I've heard.
  11. When you submit a verification link to the catzilla website, it logs your temps. No need for a temp screenshot.
  12. Yeah... We have several clients using webroot and it's great at several things, but false positives it sucks at. One of our clients data gets flagged daily, and webroot refuse to change their algorithm around it. Something about unsigned code or something? Then again, it's what I get for running the software on my work machine.
  13. Hey GENiEBEN, just an FYI that your tools get picked up by the Webroot AV software as being potentially bad. I've had it installed on my work machine for some weeks now (gogo abuse of company resources for those boints) but was only flagged this morning. Infection List: WPRIME_ADMIN.EXE, W32.Malware.Gen, %programfiles%\genieben\portablebenchmarks\wprime\, 48634FC26A03B74328E6674017D0B630 LAUNCHER_ADMIN.EXE, W32.Malware.Gen, %programfiles%\genieben\portablebenchmarks\ucbench\, E266E9D6F48ECCA6AAB402CB8347DF04
  14. I'll have 3 on Friday, and selling all 3 I'm sure by Monday.
  15. Basically anything and everything hardware. Is it just restricted to Kingston ram, or will there be more restrictions?
  16. I just read about the need to change away from max memory freq, so fair enough.
  17. Hey PJ, can you flesh out the comp pages a little better? All the basic stuff like hardware rules, what sub benchmarks run on what dates or for the whole stage etc. Trying to get my head around it, and using the 2013 HOT as a guide, I just don't want to get anything wrong.
  18. G3258s will be in stock over the next... 2 weeks? Maybe push out the B cup start or end dates a few weeks?
  19. Heh, I get the joke.
  20. http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/169/097/jobs-vs-gates.jpg That's the base image, will still need Andre's face shooped in though.
  21. http://hwbot.org/user.do is broken when clicking on the signature banners on the forums. edit: redirct doesn't work that is. Newer signatures direct link to the username, not a lookup of the ID. (compare mine with corylambert above)
  22. 'Bout time we got our own region. But I only see a Latin America, North America, Europe/Middle Aast/Africa, Far East region listed on the comp page...
  23. Is Australia now considered Far East? Or is 'Far East' meant to refer to the greater Asia/Oceania regions?
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