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trans am

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Everything posted by trans am

  1. oops i noticed the pic 3 is 5850. thats an old pic. that card is dead. Its the one in the 4th pic. 5770.
  2. steve should we run at 64bit or 32 bit?
  3. sorry massman and gigabyte. I just noticed I dont have the board cpuz shot in this one. but please take my word for it. the only boards I would even bother with are the mitx giga board and the ud2h. this is the ud2h. the mitx older brother. @ gigabyte these are some of the best motherboards ever made. they are true engineering masterpieces. I had no luck on gigabyte and bad luck since the 478 days and i tried 754, 939, etc etc. ive blown a lot of money on gigabyte in the past and I was pissed off at you guys for a long time and swore I would never buy another gigabyte board again. until these came out. they are my all time fav boards and I made me repspect gigabyte again. please make more boards like these in the future. you guys are on a roll and need to keep going in this direction of making simple inexpensive boards that can clock like these because people like me dont have sponsors and just overclock to overclock and have to pay for each piece of hdwr we use. everyone has no expectations of the $100 level. now you made us have expectations from these boards. the only company I can think of that comes close is biostar but gig bios is more refined and easier to work in. no offence to biostar but gigabyte seems easier to understand for me. I dont have time to mess around in bios for hours.... I have to work at a job and i dont have time like i did in the past to mess around in bios and learn every setting like Chew can. the gigabyte boards are excellent to get ripping right away. keep making this kind of boards. they fill a much needed gap. if i were to explain to someone new to overclocking I would say these boards are the enthusiast boards that cost the same as a board you would build for grandmother. if grandmother wanted to overclock then she'd be set. I want to overclock and the h55n-ud2h is the board you would buy for grandma's rig but while she was asleep you would overclock the crap out of it.
  4. segye gilog ileum GTeulo chughahabnida! dangsin-i eongdeong-ileul geod-eo!
  5. Chew and Uncle Steve get your asses in here and congratulate this guy with me. Goddamn ddr2 / 790x again. chew how is the ddr3 board going? I think you were right buddy. FOyle is on the same page.
  6. Hey Thats my line! what was the best date code for cedar mill 356?
  7. damn chip cold bugs at -90c
  8. I cant submit for points because I Used chews 5870. my 5850 mem goes higher. I wish I knew this beforehand. oh well. brian and i had fun. we killed my golden sempron 145 after only 30 min of benching. that was a fine chip. oh well.
  9. I cant submit for points because I Used chews 5870. my 5850 mem goes higher. I wish I knew this beforehand. oh well. brian and i had fun. we killed my golden sempron 145 after only 30 min of benching. that was a fine chip. oh well.
  10. I can never get pc mark to give me a final score. the cpu tests never finish. I have the encoder installed and the pcmark patch. What is happening? this is the free version. I run into this every time I run it regardless of system im benching. is there a trick to this? No wonder I have no pc mark benches listed on the orb. I never got it to work.
  11. this is sad man thats all I can say. You need to forget about everyone except yourself and start over. Make a new avatar username and come back discreetly. You have gone through my worst nightmare. this the exact reason why I would never want my hobby to become work. people always tell me why I dont have a side business of repairing computers or IT job. I always roll my eyes because if it became a job it would no longer be fun and I would have to start playing golf like you are doing to get away from what i thought was fun. I can think of so many others like you that have been around for years and just got burned out on a passion they never thought they would lose interest in and just folded their cards. If I were you I wouldn't sell everything just yet. hold onto your containers and dewar and a couple old boards and cpu's and best ram because sooner or later you will find out you were a much better overclocker than you are as a golfer. once you reach that point I want you to create a new forum / oc team designated for just the old dogs. You round up some of the old veterans, first mission is convincing oppainter to join the new forum. Once the old dogs see you and oppainter have a new oc team the other guys with the same woes as you will be begging to pass the initiation so they can be in. there will be some simple rules to join. absolutely no sponsors, no reviews, must be ocing at least 10 years. just some ideas... Dont feel guilty about leaving Sampsa. We all understand. just take a break and come back when you are ready and its all brand new and exciting again. we'll keep the light on for you. Chew, he's burned out so bad it blows my mind. How the hell he let it get so out of control he ended up hating what he loved. Chew, I know you do reviews and are one of the better benchers out there. dont let this happen to you. quit everything you are working on and send all your review samples back ASAP and tell them you dont want to end up like Sampsa. they will understand.
  12. Pizza Man you kicked so much ass in this contest! I was on the ocnet forum although im not a member and was just reading your thread and saw all the work you put into this thing. You definitely earned it. You kept everyone on their toes the whole time. I'm glad you came back around and took that 3rd stage. I was not prepared to explain that score if I won. I honestly have no idea how the hell I got that score. Its beyond me. I knew if I won I would have a bunch of my oc colleagues asking me a bunch of questions I was not prepared to answer because I honestly have no idea how that happened. I'm having a beer right now to celebrate your trifecta win. Its awesome and your hard work paid off. http://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u262/PizzaManWill/003-1.jpg take care alvin
  13. this came out of nowhere.. Nice uncle steve! You made us proud
  14. I was just as confused. I think it throttled down during that ss. I can totally see why it looks questionable. I think having the card cold made all the difference. it made a huge difference in terms of stability during the benches. I think I have a ss of the msi afterburner I snapped after this run.
  15. do you want me to do it over? The ln2 is cashed. The card was cooled with icewater and icepack on the mem strapped to a fan. Please dont make me do it all over again.
  16. Holy crap dude! Your card clocks are freaking me out! NICELY DONE my friend
  17. Thanks FTW 420. I know that was such a stupid mistake on my part. I was doing beers and it was late and I started getting sloppy. I actually took the time to open all 3 cpuz windows with the intention of cpu/mem/mobo ss but I never selected the tabs. DOH! Oh well. It wasn't maxed out but it was the best score I have yet that I saved. I had some problems on that board i think the cb mod wore off because it would reboot around -110c. I took it all down and redid the mod and reinsulated and now its not posting at all. I think I did a sloppy mod and it shorted the pins adjacent to the ones I intended to short. I have been messing with the new amd am3 740 chip. I am so rusty with amd ocing. its been a year since I did anything on AMD. I had it up to 5.5ghz benching last night with the same gt220 and my scores were in the high 500 range. even with the gpu at 820/1600/800 I couldnt manage to break that intel score on the mediocre cpu oc. 2001 was laughable. Is amd that bad for 3d? I double checked to make sure the pcie x16 slot was actually running at x16 and not x8. either amd is terrible at 3d and spi or I am terrible at overclocking amd and I need to figure my settings out. i'm guessing all of the above.
  18. @massman, can you check this out? It posted but the score doesnt show up in the gt220 contest, just my old score. did I do something wrong when I submitted? http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1055651_
  19. Too good to be true. the cores couldn't keep up with each other and that's what made it error out. Got it.
  20. dudes I think I know what you are going to say but I'll ask anyway. I was benching wprime 1024 and I got all the way down. I was really ripping but it froze right before the final screen but I took a scrnshot anyways hoping so I could show it to you guys later. is more time added to the score at the end of that last line to get the final screen or is it the same time as the last line? the reason I ask is because if its the same time as that last line in the run then this should be acceptable. or not? lemme know. I'm kinda new to wprime and not really sure how it does scores. please dont laugh. is this worth anything? result in question is 213.687.
  21. yeah the Ive never snapped an indy. I think a venture and tracker quicktrack back in the day on a ray barbie the 1st one with the ragdoll. sorry about the classes bullcrap. It is what it is. forget about the category crap. I see why vince tossed it out. its just another unresolved debate. I guess we just have fun and try to beat our own scores and land tricks we never landed and just keep pushing each other to thrash harder and harder on the bot. maybe take a few videos of us landing some crazy stuff so massman and the rest believes us the next morning. I'm just waiting for the day that "sole technologies" (es/emerica/etnies) puts out a pro-model shoe for Vince that can withstand the abrasion from grip tape but also insulated for Ln2 disasters when you're benching, but the sole is just thin enough to feel the board.
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