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Everything posted by Viss

  1. Strong chip and a very nice run !
  2. I didnt notice you used a ref card, my bad. I agree this aint something new, but i do think it should be easy for any serious MOA competitor to get it and from what i have read in this topic that isnt the case for all.
  3. For the America's MOA you might have a point although i dont completely understand it, you had a card and so did others so ?
  4. All participants should be able to get a copy, thats the only way to make the MOA qualifiers fair. If someone can show a pic of the gear and sign a NSA whats the problem? HWBOT, the host of this compo, should be able to arrange this with MSI imho.
  5. Depends on what your booting at (number of cores and HT). I used 50x100 4c/8t for testing on air, the chips that booted with these settings @ 1.375-1.425v also did (or really close to) 6500mhz spi 1M on LN2. For air tests i used P8Z77-V Deluxe, Prolimatech Mega and LCC set to High, ambient 20 deg C. My best so far boots 50x100 4c/8t @ 1.3625v and does 1M and pifast at 6700mhz affinity set to strongest core. I also found several chips that could not boot 50x100 at 1.55v in exact same batch.
  6. 4 cores & HT disabled @ air ?
  7. Could it be the rather "high" temps on cascade that hurt it with HT enabled benchmarks ?
  8. I got it yesterday and for now just air, wil test on LN2 this friday. I hope it wil do good i have not had much luck with IB so far. Congrats on a very strong chip !
  9. Thanks! Only hoping my good air chip wil like the cold as wel, this is the best of 3 i have all from exact same batch, it needs ~1.325v to boot 50x100 4c/8t on air while the other 2 struggle to get into the OS at 1.525v Again big diff in same batch. 1 core 32M on deluxe:
  10. Very nice chip !! That 5ghz 32m @ air, is that 4c/8t or you disabled HT and/or cores ?
  11. lol wth are you on about m.beier? I dont really care about what leage i am or should be in BUT what i do know for damn sure its not you who wil have anything to say about it. Get your facts straight, you dont even know who i am nor what i do (and im rather happy to keep that like it is ) Every single CPU i have binned (and believe me you would be surprised by the actual number, its not that many at all) i have paid for myself. 200?? not even close, divide it by 5 for all SB, SB-E and IB chips i have tested so far and you wil be real close to the actual number. Every now and then i can return a used chip to swap it or lend a card for a week but thats the only benefit i have from a local store as far as CPU's/GPU's are concerned, and no i dont work there, i have been a (good) customer there for the last years so they are happy to help me out. Lately i have been surprised by the complaints of some of the members of this community regarding leages, ES chip and vendor support. I have read you whining about it recently in many topics however i dont recall any OC numbers from you from the last couple of years. Why do you think Intel would send out chips or GBT would actually care for you to be at any meeting if you dont bench? I just dont get it. Bench more and complain less my friend, and please never forget that in the end its only a PC we are bussy with :up:
  12. SS Chip wil do ~5500mhz under phase and ~6400mhz @ 1.85v with LN2
  13. LN2 wil solve many probs
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