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Everything posted by d3mox

  1. Can't see image
  2. Take #6 after 9th october, reserve it if u can
  3. Freeze spray is good to freeze cpu box cooler. It works good
  4. I want know price too, PM me
  5. You mean minclocklimit
  6. haha, nice i'm waiting for my tusl2-c from poland and then benching coppermines
  7. Not much enthusiasm because it' based on linux and it' not the same OC
  8. With freeze spray he had max -65 F / ~-53*C. But yeah i think too that the numbers are too even.
  9. Thats weird, 1.725 is little bit too low i think
  10. Too much voltage for IMC or what?
  11. That's awesome idea
  12. What about new Team Cup or other challenge between teams?
  13. http://hwbot.org/submission/2276332_d3mox_reference_clock_tusl2_c_246.41_mh Max fsb is mostly about cpu, you're right. For fsb over ~200mhz i need some cold, can't reach that on air ... don't know why.
  14. So what is the way? Good cpu and sdram ~190-200mhz?
  15. Yep, but i don't have ln2 now or DI. Hmm.. DI
  16. Pulling out, dont have time for 3d and s370/s462 pi Good luck to all
  17. - from GTA Vice City http://youtu.be/rqnF0oQfdnQ http://youtu.be/MJ9gFAKYRYE - big bass Yep, I'm multimusic
  18. I have 5200+ F3 and i can't raise voltage over 1.55v from ET6 or bios (f7b). help?
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