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Everything posted by stivut

  1. Thank you, sir:)!
  2. Hi. I deleted my 69127 pcmark05 submission, and tried to re-submit, but I receive an error message for the Futuremark validation link: http://www.3dmark.com/pcm05/3171503 . Can you fix this for me? Thanks:)!
  3. Audio compression forbidden tweak! I have bigger scors with this tweak, but it's not aloud. Obviously, you cheated Futuremark, my friend! You should delete this submission!
  4. As I know, TE is still aloud. I didn't replace any files in the benchmark folder, my friend! I think you are only offset by don't knowing the TE tweak! If you can't proof I replaced files, keep your mouth shut! If you knew any about the TE tweak, you knew that is not about replacing files in the benchmark folder!!! Running scripts it's NOT forbidden, as I know!!!
  5. TE was NOT forbidden! Only audio compression! We will going back to 40xxx scores in pcmark05, and I agree! Only push HW should be aloud!!! I have scores much bigger, with TE and AC, but I didn't post them. Anyawy, the rules are very clear: http://hwbot.org/news/881_application_9_rules/
  6. Almoast everyone in top 10 pcmark05 used forbidden tweaks, like text edit and audio compression, and I see they are still in top 10. Why was my submisson banned, and they're not??? This is my submission: http://hwbot.org/submission/2316366 , and take a look at the submissions above mine!!! topdog used TE, CherV used audio compression tweak....just take a look! Without TE tweak, it's really hard to get a great score! I don't see new rules on HWBot!
  7. I don't see the reason for reporting my submission. topdog used TE tweak, CherV used audio compression tweak, and nobody sais nothing! At last, what's the rules ??? I'm talkig about top 10 submissions!!! Wtf???
  8. We need to find something for TE...that's the big trick! Great job, gratz:)!
  9. Care-i smecheria sa dai cu "Extreme" in loc de "Performance"? Nu faci nici puncte, si nici nu prea ai cu ce compara, ca sa fie relevant...nu inteleg urcarea unui asemenea scor pe hwbot. Timp pierdut si HW stresat inutil.
  10. Better and better every day! Keep going to the top of the world, my friend!!! Gratz:)!!!
  11. Pentru text edit ai gasit ceva? Web page rendering ti-a iesit foarte bine!
  12. You're still alive, my friend=))? Good to see you back again:)!
  13. Awesome start!!! Keep going fast:)! Gratz, buddy:)!!!
  14. You were wright! He made several submissions with HD 7970! Thanks for your answer:)!
  15. How was possible for this user: http://hwbot.org/user/rrunner/ to advance in ranking today without making new submissions since....months ago????? I'm waiting for answers from admins! Thanks!
  16. Windows XP, porneste procesorul pe 2C/2T, voltaj mai mic si frecventa mai mare. Bafta:)!
  17. Chiar i-am dat 1,740 in BIOS=)). Am rulat la acelasi voltaj sPi32M si wPrime1024. E vorba de procul ala care nu vrea sa faca mai mult de 5000MHz si vreau sa scap de el, dar nu mai moare odata, lua-l-ar dreaqu....zi tu ce sa-i mai fac ca sa-l prajesc=)))??
  18. The revolutions starts with people like you! Congratz!!!
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