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Bwanasoft's insufficient proof in 3DM2001SE

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F7 creates a cvf file, and F5 creates a .bmp file with no id (because it's just a screen of the cpuz window). To my eyes, such a screenshot looks exactly the same as the one you call cheating. To upload as an attachment I have to convert it to jpg, and I'm too lazy to do that.


Try it.


Btw no id on these screens either:








http://www.hwbot.org/signature.img?iid=44398 (black line on top, compare that to the white line on bwana's screens)











No mem tab on these, btw:












IMO this sounds alot like someone wants Bwana's first spot, but don't feel like benching his ass off:p You don't have to be a rocket scientists to figure out who will benefit from banning Bwana...


As for the last couple of screens submitted by Gradus, I know something is weird about the two imageshack pictures. But so what? Bwanasoft's scores were correct:)

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Ban Bwana!

His so-called bugs are impossible to repeat

I've played with Vistamizer and I wasn't able to get multiple windows active like Bwana has

His bugs with voltage, cpu id, processo and palomino stepping are apparent to be deliberately painted in photoshop/gimp/mspain/other software.


MOD: Use appropriate language. If not, I will save you a seat in the chill-out room. Thanks

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Ban Bwana!

His so-called bugs are impossible to repeat

I've played with Vistamizer and I wasn't able to get multiple windows active like Bwana has

His bugs with voltage, cpu id, processo and palomino stepping are apparent to be deliberately painted in photoshop/gimp/mspain/other software.


MOD: Use appropriate language. If not, I will save you a seat in the chill-out room. Thanks


hmmm quali is not good but tells other

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jmke, you replied on two non-informative posts, but didn't say a word on Gradus' arguments, though asked for them. Isn't that irrational? :)

Well, I not such a braincracker as Gradus to check every CPU-Z screen, whether it's text boxes are on the right positions, but this is a quite good one.

Gradus, the AMD Athlon text in the CPU string can be achieved if the MoBo doesn't know the processor. It gets it's CPU string (named in CPU-Z specification) from the frequency table, but if it's o/ced, then it doesn't find a propriate and writes a default text, exactly this one.

But this can't explain the position of the text.

And can't explain the screen with "Processo" string. Should be Processor :)


And again, jmke.

A man shows you an invalid screenshot, but you show him his invalids. In this thread we discuss a certain subject. But you're reversing the situation to the author. Try to find at least 5-10 inproper screens of mine :) that's not the theme.

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please do explain the difference, how do we know that screenshot was not just re-used from another hardware setup? where's the proof?



I agree! BUT i show you screens with real bugs, not the screen with aqua or mark with no info. I can show many screens like this from bwana.


ps nah?!?


So after he has posted 1000 results and build a reputation; that same user will go and photoshop a few results to get a few more points and risk all his previous scores, his position, his trust and friends and hobby?

Yes. If he have mspaint screens. And he have 100+ with bugs. I can post not deleted results with bugs.

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but not talking about hundreds here, about 5-10, any of those scores recent?

I talking about deleted results + part still on site(not http://www.hwbot.org/forum/showpost.php?p=18499&postcount=87). I don't sure that they with photoshop or something like that, but they with bugs.


Example Geode NX-1250+(look at stepping and revision):





ps 7 results with bug only from 1 cpu

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95% of the deleted results were deleted because of the glitches mentioned before (Vistamize/dual monitor setup) and that leaves us with 10-20 results which are strange, most of the results are with the same processor, so about 3-4, maybe 5 different processor glitches.


20 issues on 1200 results is ~ 1,67%, which is not significant enough to instantly ban someone. Anyway, we're talking this through again, taking every opinion/fact into account and will have a solution as soon as possible.

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20 issues on 1200 results is ~ 1,67%, which is not significant enough to instantly ban someone. Anyway, we're talking this through again, taking every opinion/fact into account and will have a solution as soon as possible.

These results are results in which "drawening" at drawing has made a mistake. I can draw much more than 1200 results and I shall be mistaken it is much less. And you me not ban me? Let's transform HWBOT into competition who less time will be mistaken at drawing?!!!

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I talking about deleted results + part still on site(not http://www.hwbot.org/forum/showpost.php?p=18499&postcount=87). I don't sure that they with photoshop or something like that, but they with bugs.


Example Geode NX-1250+(look at stepping and revision):





ps 7 results with bug only from 1 cpu




the Geode run´s without any Mistakes at ASROCK Board with VIA CHIP !


when you take it on a NF2 Board say T-Bred CPU. And CPU Z tells lot of Mistakes.


Hey i build Computers when somebody play trumpet under the Christmasthree, i know how Computer works and Programms and be shure when i want fake a screen i can fake it ! And nobody see it.


Think i bench CPU BOARDS and RAM over the Limit !


At the benches for S462 i need 3 Boards - 25 CPU ( all Blow up ) and at this morning i blow up a brandnew Power NT at S462 !


I don´t need any FAKES.

I´m old enough i´m not a child.

i use my time for work or make other funny Hobbies.


But back to Topic


it´s this to high for someone ?


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