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The official HWBOT Country Cup 2010 - stage 1: Unigine Heaven (DX11) thread.

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MM please give direct answers.


Not all HWBOT members participating are English speaking and have your understanding of semantics. Clarity is best when discussing rules my friend.



I susspect that the OP question would have liked a definitive answer along the line of the two I have provided as examples.



Yes - dual GPU cards are allowed.







No - only single core graphic cards are allowed.


Based on what MM has said :P or not. My interpretation is this.



Any single DX11 graphic card regardless of number of cores can compete.


Congratulations to our fellow russians, you guys did what we were not able to do. Great work guys!


On a side note, Massman I hate your guts, I spent 20 L of LN2 on my GTX 580 for nothing, I watsted my evening and my morning with this horrible benchmark, not to say that our GTX 570 went to a happier place. I hate you Massman, and I hate unigine :D:D:D I hope you get lots of these Pieter-Jan :D:D:D



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