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Bullshooter - Phenom II X6 1090T BE @ 4500MHz - 14min 58sec 641ms SuperPi - 32M

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Posted (edited)

Also, why is your CPU being reported as an FX instead of an Phenom II with your 32M Super PI sub?

Checked into this with my CHV-Z and Phenom II 1100T chip, disabled cores to make sure since yours shows disabled cores too - HWmonitor Pro knows the difference, even the trial version can tell and reports it. Took a screenie to illustrate what I came up with.



HWmonitor Pro.jpg

Edited by Bones
Posted (edited)

It could  be a bug. My i7 8700k is shown as i3 7350k. I uninstalled and reinstalled hwmonitor pro. Result is same. First it was installed on i3 7350k.......so maybe. You can check my screenshot.                                                    https://hwbot.org/submission/4081327_ksateaaa23_cinebench___r11.5_core_i7_8700k_18.68_points

Edited by ksateaaa23

Hmmm.... Could be a bug with HWmonitor Pro.
Registering the CPU in use when installed and never changing, it's certainly possible. Since I did that with my setup I can swap CPUs over to another type to confirm. Hopefully this doesn't mean you'd have to reinstall a new OS each time you swap chips. ?

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